129-Minsung: Ghosting

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Title: Ghosting

Ship: Minsung

TW: suicide, self harm, mentions of overdosing and drowning, major character death, and a bit of gore.

In truth, he wasn't supposed to die.

Sure, that's what his attempt was. It was to end his life, end his suffering, but he hadn't expected to actually die. He had expected to barely live and get help from his horrid attempt.

But Minho actually died.

Minho didn't believe in ghosts until he became one. Watching from the corner of the hospital room as the heart monitor flat lined and the doctors pushed the love his life out of the room in an attempt to resuscitate him.

"I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor said, hanging her head as she brought the news to the man outside.

He looked disheveled already. His hair was sticking up, tangled in its own mess from waking up at two am to the blood curdling cries that came from his boyfriend just an hour ago. He wore his pajama pants that he and Minho had bought together, matching. His was a red plaid pair while Minho's blue pair had been stacked away into a bag when they changed him into a hospital gown. It was covered in blood, ruined. He had thrown on the closest shirt he could find while he called for an ambulance—Minho's favorite shirt of an anime he grew up watching. It was slightly big on him, falling all the way down to the ends of his thighs. His clothes had blood stains on them too, but nothing like what Minho's had become. His face was already stained with tears from when he found Minho.

Minho took a step back as he fell down to his knees, letting out a strained cry. Minho watched as he held his shirt closer to his nose to take in Minho's scent again. Minho watched as a nurse approached him and tried to ask if there was anyone else they could call.

Minho watched as Jisung grieved for him.

"I'm sorry." Minho muttered. He was fully aware that the younger couldn't hear him or see him. He didn't realize just how much he would hurt him. He didn't realize that he would actually succeed.

What had he done?

Minho fell to his knees next to Jisung, placing a hand on his back as his own tears started to spill. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry." He cried.

The ever-loving cries that escaped his boyfriend made his chest ache and his stomach churn. The way his hands clawed at the shirt and his eyes shook as looked into the room where Minho's corpse laid was horrifying to watch. He had never planned to hurt him this way. This was all his fault.

If only he hadn't been so selfish. If only he had stayed around for Jisung. To keep him happy. He had just wrecked him because he couldn't stand the depression and anxiety destroying him from the inside out. If only he had tried something less risky that wouldn't have ended his life. Like overdosing or drowning. Surely he would've been more likely to have lived from attempts like those. Not cutting himself open.

Oh, the way he looked at him before he had passed out. The fear in Jisung's eyes as Minho bled out. Holding onto his wrists while he coughed up more blood, while he cried from the pain. He was so stupid. If he was going to attempt it, why had he done it while Jisung was home? Why had he woken the poor boy from his slumber if only to take away the thing he loved most?

Now he could only watch as Jisung grieved. He would never truly hold him again.


"I said I don't want to talk about it."

Chan sighed as he sat next to the younger, helping him clean out Minho's things. Without a second income, Jisung might not be able to keep the apartment that he so badly wanted to keep.

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