78-Jeongmin : Crossroad

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Requested by : @ilostmytaeandkookie

Title: Crossroad

Ship: Jeongmin


Seungmin was never the trouble maker when it came to school, and he made to stick to for a couple of reasons. One of them being so young in a mafia. He had rather not draw attention to himself as the boy with a rumor that he's in a mafia because of his attitude.

But somehow, him and another boy got framed for spray painting half of the school's cafeteria. Someone had shoved spray paint into their lockers, along with clothes covered in the toxic paint. Seungmin didn't understand why they were in trouble when the clothes fit neither boys.

"Both of you will be doing community service as punishment." Their principle said.

"But sir." Seungmin cut for the fourth time. "We had nothing to do with the whole ordeal. Those clothes aren't even our size."

"Evidence is evidence." He shrugged. He flicked his head, sending the two students out of his class.

Seungmin turned to the quiet boy once they left the room. "What's your name?"

"Jeongin." He answered.

"Alright, Jeongin. What shall we do for this community service?"


They ended up directing cars while a few traffic lights were down. How Jeongin knew such was going on in such non-oral area? Seungmin didn't care, as long as they got their few hours of community service hours done.

As they did these few hours of community service, the two spoke between each other. Seungmin found himself quite attached to the quiet, innocent boy. He had an aura that drew Seungmin in. He was so used to emo, edgy people. He was used to people who handled guns and killed when necessary (more than often for getting in their way). He was used to the mean looks and glares he got for being in such close link with the leader and co-leader. But the boy in front of him never even experienced a world of guns and dead bodies, no pity and dead monotone atmosphere. Maybe that's why he was so drawn to him.

The few hours of unearned community service ended and the boys parted to go home. Seungmin eyes watched Jeongin when he turned around and started walking further into the non-oral neighborhood, and it was then he pitied him. His parents probably payed a fortune in their terms for Jeongin to go to school where he did. But it was none of his business and headed home instead.

Upon coming home late to the large house his family lived inside, he realized that many people were already asleep. It was odd, really, since people were usually up until midnight, more likely than not, past midnight.

Seungmin was born into the mafia. His entire life was centered around the people here at his early stages of life. His parents met, and married here in the big family of bad guys. Only to die protecting him.

Even though mafia's were made out to be bad, Seungmin knew Mafias were more than just a bunch of criminals. A gang was just a bunch of criminals. A mafia was criminals, but at the least were family.

Seungmin walked into the room of the person he called his older brother. Or rather, their young leader, Bang Chan. The co-leader was a guy named Minho that Seungmin admired a lot. He was courageous and a big risk-taker, but that's what made him so great.

Chan glanced back from his seat at his computer. "Welcome home, norm child." Chan joked as he turned his attention back to his computer.

"Greetings parental figure." Seungmin joked back as he placed his backpack down.

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