99-Jeongchan : Little Did You Know

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Requested by @LilliumDovely

Title: Little Did You Know

Ship: Jeongchan

Chan fluttered his eyes awake, his laptop still playing videos from last night. He reached over, taking one last look of his favorite ASMR-ist before shutting the laptop.

He sat up, his sheets rolling off his body. He rubbed his swollen eyes, a yawn leaving his mouth. Chan hopped out of bed. He stretched his arms high into the air as he walked out of his bedroom and passing into his living room and into his kitchen where his little cousin was at.

Felix was eating cereal, leaning over the counter on his elbows. In one hand he held his phone and the other held his spoon.

"Good morning." Felix mumbled, mouth filled with food.

"Morning." Chan responded with another yawn.

Chan opened the cabinet holding the cereal as Felix began to speak.

"Landlord called. You forgot to pay the bills again, so I did your month." Felix gave him a snarky look. "For the third time."

"I'm sorry." Chan moaned as he put the milk back into the fridge. "You know how messy my sleep schedule is right now. If Changbin and Jisung weren't so good at what they do, I don't think I'd be getting any sleep." He let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry, Felix. I'll pay this month, I promise."

Felix shook his head. "I'm not trying to pressure you, hyung."

"I know." Chan walked out of the room with his cereal, stopping by the window.

He watched as his neighbor walked past, mask and beanie. He swung his house keys in his hand as he passed by, bouncing back and forth with each step.

"That guy's a little odd, ain't he?" Felix chirped.

"Just wonder what's under that mask and beanie, you know?" Chan said, but quickly shrugged it off and went off to the couch to eat his cereal.

  Felix stared for a little while longer before joining his older cousin on the couch.

  Chan walked up the stairs to his cousin's room after he had left for work, searching for a book to read. He was dying to get his hands on a new good story to keep him busy throughout the day.

  He opened the door, freezing when he saw what was sitting on his cousin's bed. A cat. A beautiful tan tabby cat.

  Chan knew this was his neighbor's cat. He had seen his neighbor play with the cat outside multiple times. If this wasn't his cat, he didn't whose it was.

  It wasn't exactly a good thing there was a cat in Felix's room either, considering his boyfriend, Hyunjin, was deathly allergic. He would have to vacuum and change Felix's sheets before the two arrived home from their date later.

  Chan went into stealth mode, unsure how the cat would react. "Here, kitty kitty." He called. The cat just meowed at him, not moving an inch from its spot on the bed. "Come on, kitty. You can't be in here."

  In one swift motion, the cat jumped from the bed to Felix's dresser.

  Chan froze. If that cat continued to walk, he might knock over and break every trophy that Felix had won from his dance competitions. Not only would that break his heart, but he would also break Chan's neck.

"Listen, cat, please don't—" Before Chan could finish his sentence, the cat batted on the first trophy in its path. Chan jumped forward, grabbing the trophy before it smacked the wooden floor.

Chan put the trophy on the floor before using his two hands to grab the cat quickly. Holding the cat in his arms, he made his way downstairs while the cat went bonkers.

Chan opened the front door with his elbows after slipping on his shoes. He shut the door with his foot before making his way over to his neighbor's house. On the way, he was able to calm the cat down into his arms.

Chan knocked on the door, feeling irritated that he had let his cat out to roam the neighborhood. If he lived on a farm, he would understand, but a neighborhood like this? Come on.

When the door opened, Chan nearly dropped the cat.

The red-headed boy rubbed his eyes, a cute pout on his face. His hair stuck out in nearly every direction. Chan clearly had just woken him up. He opened his mouth to start speaking, but upon seeing his cat in the stranger's arms, he looked much more awake.

"Panther!" His eyes travelled up to meet Chan's shocked ones.

"I'm so sorry. Did he get into your backyard? I'm so sorry." He shook his head. "Gosh, he always gets out the window."

"He got into my cousin's room through the balcony." Chan said, only his lips moving. He shook his head, the shocked look disappearing and replaced by a suspicious look. "Are you I.N? That ASMR-ist?"

The boy let out a chuckle. "Yeah that's me. You can call me Jeongin. I'm sorry he got into your house, that usually doesn't happen."

Jeongin held his hands out for Chan to lend over his cat. At first Chan just stared at his hands, before realizing that he was holding the cat still. He passed it over.

"I'm a huge fan." Chan quickly spat out. "I, um, watch your videos every night to help me sleep."

A sweet smile appeared on Jeongin's face. "I'm glad. It was nice meeting you, uh. . ."

  "Chan. My name is Chan."

  "Chan." Jeongin nodded his head before taking a step back and closing his door.

  Chan turned around and let out a breath. "Wow."

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