153-Hyunho: The Hand That Feeds; pt2

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Title: The Hand That Feeds (pt2)

Ship: Hyunho

TW: mentions of blood and violence

Burning people who deserved it was much more exhilarating then throwing around a few people on some safety mats during gym. Minho would have gone through each classroom to find all nine of these asshats and give them what they were warranted, but he had more than one teacher on his ass telling him to quit it by the time he managed to find Mr. Hajoon, the perpetrator of the whole operation.

  Minho had slammed open the classroom door once he had identified Hajoon. He made a b-line to the back of the classroom where the slightly younger vampire sat. He had an eyebrow raised when he met Minho's eyes, knowing full well that the vampire was coming for him.

  Minho grasped him by the bicep, hand heating up to unbearable degrees, and lifted him from his chair so they were face to face.

  Hajoon immediately let out an agonizing shout. His free hand began to claw at Minho's hand, leaving red marks behind. But it really felt like nothing to the Prince.

  "What kind of fucking idiot are you?" He sneered.

"Mr. Lee!" The teacher shouted. It took her a few long seconds to process what was happening in her classroom. "Put him down this instant."

"Did your parents not teach you what multiple vampire bites can do to a human? Or, pardon, did it not occur to you that multiple bites can kill a human?" Minho put more pressure on Hajoon's flesh, earning a scream from the puny boy. "Your stupid actions have caused Hyunjin severe trauma and blood loss, and now I don't have a feeder. Did that occur to you? That he was someone's feeder?"

"Mr. Lee!"

Minho is hipped his head around to see three teachers, the one from his classroom, the one from this classroom, and the one he could only assume was from one of the neighboring classrooms. Attempting to defy all of them would only cause problems.

Minho let go.

Hajoon smacked his head on the desk on the way down, but he was more focused on his blistering arm.

"Office. Now."

Minho sat down in the chair opposite of the head master's. The headmaster himself stood up, leaning on the desk with his hands and a raised eyebrow.

Minho raised his own eyebrow.

"So what I'm understanding here is that after this girl named every one of the people who partook in the. . . Incident, you went ahead and took it upon yourself to punish them?"


The headmaster turned away from his desk with a sigh. He crossed his arms, grabbing the bridge of his nose with a sneer. He turned to Minho again. "Your father would be disappointed with you if he were here."

"Well, he's not, so." Minho shrugged.

"You realize I have to punish you for this, yes? You cannot go around hurting people because you feel like they deserve it." The headmaster said.

"Why not? That's exactly what I'll be doing when I'm King." Minho crossed his arms.

"But you are not king. You are a prince with a duty to live amongst your peers as an equal. To learn how they live life and understand them from their perspective for when you rule. Your father has said that on multiple occasions, Minho."

"I don't see how living amongst savages who abuse their power against humans is supposed to make me a better king."

The headmaster sneered. "You are suspended for a week. Go."

Minho stood without another word. He left the office, dragging the extra chair he had been sitting on while waiting to place it back next to the nine vampires he had outed. He specifically dragged it around to Hajoon and set it next to him. Menacingly, he sent him a glare.

Once Minho arrived back at his dorm, he found Hyunjin still fast asleep in his bed.

After reporting what happened to the headmaster, he had tried to bring Hyunjin back to his own dorm (or at least as far as he could take him), but it was clear the fear still took hold of him. He refused to go, refused to let go of Minho. He insisted he stayed with him. He claimed that he would be safer in Minho's dorm, because who would dare enter the prince's dorm? He also said he rather not be stuck with Jisung, as much as he was starting to get used to the guy.

It was nearly halfway through the day and Hyunjin was still asleep. He must have really felt exhausted.

Minho sat on the edge of the bed next to the younger. He looked over his face, and down his neck. He frowned upon seeing the bandages wrapped around his neck to help the blood clot properly.

He had always messed around with Hyunjin when feeding, but he never attempted to truly hurt him. He always made sure he got only what he needed for that part of the day, and nothing more. Sometimes he even fed less than needed because Hyunjin looked particularly pale that day. He never wanted to cross the boundary, make Hyunjin afraid or so droopy he couldn't remember his own name. He was so afraid of accidentally doing something to harm him that someone beat him to it.

Minho tucked a hair behind Hyunjin's ear as he admired his face. He was truly a beautiful soul. A weak human, to be sure, but he still looked like a blessed creature. Minho wondered if girls were all over him back at his human school.

Hyunjin's face contorted. His eyebrows dug down between his eyes and his lip puckered up, teeth clenched. Minho watched him carefully. It looked like he was dreaming. He had never had the chance to dream, being vampire-born in all, but he knew what it looked like.

Hyunjin's eyes flew open as he jerked backward into the bed with a gasp. He sat, breathing heavy as his hand clenched the sheets.

"Hyunjin?" Minho leaned over to catch his eyes, and he did.

The younger looked horrified. Like the whole thing had happened again. But within a few moments of keeping eye contact with Minho, he seemed to relax. He reached out and took Minho's hand in his as he looked down to the sheets.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Minho questioned.

Hyunjin slowly sat up, letting Minho's hand fall from his own. "I just. . . I guess I saw the shadows in my dream. Pulling at me like tug of war. . . Biting me like. . . They did."

Minho reached over and pulled Hyunjin into a hug. He caught his head in his hand and gave a gentle massage to the human's soft scalp. "It's okay. You're okay. They were caught so you'll be okay."

"They were?"


"What's gonna happen to them?"

"Expulsion probably." Minho shrugged. "I hope at least. I'll keep them in their place if they're allowed to stay."

Hyunjin nestled closer. "Thank you, hyung."

"Of course, honey."

For the first time since last night, Hyunjin smiled.

//Ik it's short, but I hope it doesn't seem rushed? I didn't really have much ideas for this since that was supposed to be it but you all wanted more so badly I didn't want to leave you with nothing :(.

If anyone wants to take this idea and build on it for a full book, be my guest! I just ask for inspiration credits and would love to be tagged so I can read it!!!

Which btw, thank you all for being so kind since I've come back. I hope you all have seen the improvements between my older ones and my newer ones.

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