27-Jeongsung : Victim Shot

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Title: Victim Shot

Ship: Jeongsung

Look who's back!! For those of you who don't know why I haven't been updating it because I've been working a short story, which I still need to edit (cuz it has to be perfect) and I'm coming back with the Oneshots a day for y'all!!


"I didn't mean to!"

Chan smacked Minho's head, taking Jeongin's hand protectively. "He did nothing wrong. It was a pure accident. It's not like it's going to hurt someone."

"He spilled it all over the floor!" Minho shrieked. "My kitchen floor."

"Then clean it up." Chan retorted. "It's just salt, can't be that hard."

Minho huffed, pushing the two out of his kitchen and into the living room to wait.

"He's grumpy now." Jeongin giggled to his boyfriend who was holding his hand. "Poor Hyung."

Chan chuckled. "He's just mad that I favor you. But I can't help it, you're too cute." Chan leaned forward, connecting their noses.

The trio were at Minho's house to bake some cupcakes for a friend's, Changbin's, Birthday. Jeongin was the youngest and was only introduced to the older boys because of Chan, who had met him in a library. The two clicked and later on, started to date.

"I'm not cute." Jeongin pouted.

"You are. The cutest little boy I've ever seen."

"I'm not little and I'm not cute!" Jeongin protested, but Chan just smiled fondly at him.

"Sure you aren't."


Chan chuckled, pulling away and rubbing Jeongin's head.

Jeongin glanced at the clock, his eyes widening at the time. "I have to get home!" He exclaimed, grabbing his bag and phone. "Bye, Channie. Bye, Minho Hyung!"

Minho peeked his head out and waved. "Bye, bub!"

Jeongin left out the door, breathing in the dirty air of the neighborhood that lived near a factory. Jeongin never knew what it was for, but never bothered to learn. What was the point?

Jeongin jogged down the stairs before running down the sidewalk as he pulled out a smaller bag with treats Minho had given to him earlier that day. Minho always gave him treats, it was like their thing. Minho always enjoyed baking and cooking and Jeongin enjoyed eating, so it was a win-win.

Jeongin took a bite of the homemade rice crispy treat, humming in satisfactory. Minho always made the best treats and he was glad he received them.

Jeongin turned down the block, kicking a few rocks sitting on the sidewalk. The walk home was always quiet and boring.

The neighborhood was dull and quiet, yet also crime-filled. It was mostly at night that any crimes were committed. Living in such a place always kept Jeongin awake at night and he never got too much sleep. He still got through the day with five to six hours of sleep.

As Jeongin took another bite of the treat, he heard a few other footsteps. He ignored it, continuing to walk.

Until, he suddenly heard a gun load from behind him.

"Target located."

Jeongin dropped his backpack and the treats and took off running down the sidewalk.

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