138-Binsung: You Are Everything

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Title: You Are Everything

Ship: Binsung

A/N I can confidently say that this is angst/comfort and not edited

Jisung had felt invisible since the moment he met his college friends through Chan. Chan had been his single best friend for years before that, and nothing really got in between them. Even when Chan was busy with his college friends, Jisung never felt invisible.

  So then why did he feel so invisible now?

  While they sat for lunch together, Jisung sat at the end of the table, picking at his food. He felt too sick to eat. Even the smell of the food made him feel a little queasy. He felt too upset, sitting there with no one to speak with.

  They were all nice people. Minho had his way of joking and Seungmin made crude jokes every and now then, but they were all truly nice people. Even Changbin, who he found trouble connecting with at first.

  Changbin sat across from him. He was originally participating in the topic of conversation at the table, but he had suddenly gone quiet too.


  "Hm?" Jisung looked up from his plate to meet the eyes of the older. His eyebrows tipped into his face, leaving small wrinkles. He was clearly worried about something, which did not make Jisung feel any better in the moment.

  "You've just been scraping your food around your plate for the last five minutes and Minho paid for that."

  "O-oh." Jisung glanced down at the food to realize that he hadn't taken a single bite. He originally wasn't going to get anything and came up with the excuse that he left his wallet at home. Minho insisted that he buy him a plate. So now he had a plate of food that someone else bought for him that he felt too sick to consume.

  Jisung could already feel the panic bubble at his throat.

  Changbin gestured to it. "If you're not gonna eat it, can I have it?"

Even though there was a sense of relief that flooded into Jisung, the panic didn't go away. It was still bubbling at his throat, threatening to explode. He nodded and pushed the plate over to the older.

Without another word, Jisung stood and made his to the bathroom. He couldn't find himself to speak and make it known to the others that he needed some quick space. Changbin followed him with his eyes for a moment, but let Jisung do his thing.

Jisung gripped the faucet with his hands, his knuckles turning white. He tried to control his breathing, tried to slow it down with fast, spread out pants, but it only seemed to make it worse.

"God." He breathed out. Jisung released the faucet and dug his hands into his scalp instead. He turned around, trying to find something—anything else to focus on. His breath was starting to stagger more, and at any second now, he was going to spiral into a spaz attack.

Fuck, why couldn't he just be normal?

Tears immediately fell from his eyes when the door whisked open. He lost control, leaving his breathing to completely fly away from his control.

Suddenly, the world was spinning, and Jisung was sure that this time, this panic attack would kill him.

He clapped a hand over his mouth, the other on his chest as he fell to his knees. He could barely hear the sounds of shoes scraping against the ground a sputter to reach him. He barely registered the hands that grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. He barely recognized Changbin holding him tightly, like he let go, Jisung might fall.

"Jisung, you need to calm down. You're safe, you're safe. Everything's going to be fine." The older rocked Jisung back and forth gently as he ran a hand up and down his back. One of his hands snapped up to Jisung's head, reaching into his hair to get a better snug hug around him. "Was it because you weren't hungry? No one's going to be mad at you for that."

Jisung only sobbed harder.

"Okay, okay." Changbin tightened his grip. "You're going to get through this." He guided Jisung's hand away from his face. "But to do that, you need to breath, Sungie. With me."

Changbin demonstrated long, deep breaths. While Jisung tried to copy them, they only came out staggered and half the length of the older's.

"Good job. A few more times."

Eventually, Jisung could breath again. Of course he needed someone else to demonstrate it for him. He couldn't seem remember how to breath when panicking.

"Good job, Sungie." Changbin loosened his arms and sat down next to Jisung, not quite letting go of the younger. "Now tell me what's going on."

Jisung wiped his face with his hands. He wasn't sure he could meet Changbin's eyes. He had done a good job at hiding his horrid disorder until now. What did Changbin think? Maybe he didn't think it was a disorder at all. Maybe he thought it was a one time thing.

"I'm sorry, I just. . ." Jisung sniffed. "I guess I just feel a little left out. Outcasted. You guys don't do it on purpose, I know that. I don't think anyone does it on purpose. I just feel. . . Insignificant compared to everyone else."

"Jisung." Changbin's tone was soft. He took one of Jisung's hands in his own, massaging it softly. "You're not insignificant. We're all so happy that you're our friend now. Chan's talked about you so much before we met you. I guess it just sort of felt like we already knew you when he introduced you."

"Really?" Jisung finally met the older's eyes. Something about this information was assuring. Chan talked about him?

"Yeah. You're like his little brother." Changbin smiled. He scooted closer, leaning in so he could see Jisung's face more clearly. "And for the record, I think you are everything."

Jisung tilted his head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're talented, you're handsome, pretty, you're funny, you're smart. You are everything everyone else wants to be."

"You're everything to this universe. More than you know."

A/N this was hella rushed and I rlly don't like it all that much but I've come to tell you to read Monster Underneath The Bed cuz I'm very proud of it I think it deserves more recognition so if you enjoy my longer oneshots that have more thought put into them, I think you'll like my actual book too.

On another note, I will put together a better Binsung oneshot at some point because I know people like it and I don't have any nice ones of them so look forward to that.

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