31-Chanho : Silent Treatment

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Requested by : @LA_Baobaos

Title: Silent Treatment

Ship: Chanho


"I'll be there I promise." Minho mimicked, slamming open his apartment door. "I'll make it this time. Don't worry, Minnie." He slammed the door shut. "Oh, shut the f**k up you b**ch of a liar. Look, you're not even home!" Minho said as he walked into the apartment.

"You're so focused on your music that you forget about your own boyfriend." Minho scoffed. "Pathetic."

Minho walked into his bathroom, taking out the makeup wipes to wipe off all his makeup. "I looked like a fool sitting there alone for an entire hour, saying you'll show up eventually. They kicked me out."

Minho stopped talking angrily to himself and changed into some pjs. As he walked out the room and towards the living room, the front door opened.

As the two made eye contact, Chan seemed to realize what he had missed. "Oooh, Minho."

Minho broke the eye contact and walked past him, into the kitchen.

Minho started to make some tea for himself as Chan set his things down and leaned over the counter. "I'm sorry, baby. I just forgot."

It was the same excuse every time, yet he still thought it was valid. This was the first time Minho did not answer with an "It's okay" or "just don't let it happen again". This time, he did not answer at all. His lips did not move and he did not even share a glance at the older.

"Minho?" Chan tilted his head. It was them Chan realized how mad Minho really was. "Babe?"

Minho gave up on the tea, flinging the teabag at Chan and leaving the kitchen into the living room.


Chan sat next to the boy for a few minutes before standing and jogging into their bedroom. He came out with blankets and dropped them on the floor.

"Come on. Build a fort with me."

Minho finally looked up at his boyfriend, seeing the smile he wished to see earlier that evening. He smiled lightly and shook his head. He stood.

"Then let's get started."

After they made the fort, the two were watching The Office as they ate ice cream and laughed. Minho honestly would pick this over the date.

Maybe it was meant that he missed the date.

Man, it's like I've lost the flow of writing. I don't know what happened. I'll try and come up with smtg that I could practice with. I'm sorry these are bad ;-;

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