136-Seungbin: High Enough

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Title: High Enough

Ship: Seungbin

TW: Drug abuse?? I think?? Can u tell I don't meddle with drugs

Changbin let out a frustrated sigh through his nose as he stared at the police station in front of him. He sat in his car, the ignition just shut off moments before. It was nearly midnight and he was back here not even a week later for the same reason as before. Fucking Seungmin.

Changbin slipped out of his car, trying his best to hold back his anger from slamming the door shut. His car beeped as he locked it. Then, trudged inside.

He walked up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm here for Kim Seungmin." He slid his cash onto the counter, a small fine for this stupid act.

Changbin couldn't find himself to sit down as he waited for them to retrieve his younger boyfriend. He was trying to find it in himself to forgive him again. To let it go like he always did. Yet, the more he thought about it, the more angry he got. He couldn't keep spending his savings to bail him out of his overnight jail sessions.


Changbin's head snapped up at the bouncing tone. Seungmin came skipping over with a big smile, his braces showing bright and true. He didn't look remorseful, but the high probably wasn't helping him in that case. The vessels in his eyes were swollen enough to make the white nearly disappear, and it wasn't hard to miss the whiff of weed wavering off him like he was carrying it on him (he wasn't, Changbin was sure. He probably wouldn't have a bail if he had been). Seungmin was quite the bubbly boy when drugged up like this. He couldn't care less about the horrors of the world.

"Oh, Binnie." Seungmin grabbed his hands, to which Changbin quickly tugged them away. Seungmin didn't seem bothered and continued on. "There was this guy next to me who said I was very pretty. He said that's how I got myself in here. Someone who's pretty can't be smart too!" Seungmin giggled, throwing his hands back with his head. "And don't be jealous, Binnie." Seungmin put a hand in Changbin's hair. "I only love you."

Changbin smacked Seungmin's arm. Being the dramatic boy he is, grimaced like Changbin had left a mark or something.

With no more patience, Changbin took Seungmin by the back of the neck and pulled him close enough to put his lips by his ear. "I don't give a flying fuck about what the guy next to you said. Go grab your things from the police officer over there so we can fucking leave." He pulled Seungmin away so he was standing straight up again.

Seungmin's bubbly smile disappeared and his eyes didn't dare meet the older's. Nervously, he turned around to find a woman in a uniform holding his beige bag with his money and other essentials inside. He took it with a curt bow before turning to follow his boyfriend out the door.

The drive back to Changbin's apartment was quiet at first. The radio wasn't even playing behind them. When Seungmin tried to turn it up a few notches to fill it, Changbin slapped his hand away and turned it back to zero again.

"Changbin?" Seungmin said. His voice was small as moved to call out his boyfriend.


"Are you mad at me?"

Changbin didn't answer right away, letting the anxiety bury itself in Seungmin's chest. He let out a long sigh. "Yes."

"Oh." Seungmin's voice cracked.

Glancing over through the rear view mirror, Changbin could see the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. His lips tugged at a frown that he remotely fought with shaky deep breaths.

"This is the fifth time, Seungmin. The fifth time this month." Changbin started. "You've barely started your senior year. You haven't even finished high school yet. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of your antics and this sudden addiction to smoking every weekend. I'm sick your friends, too. I'm sick of finding just you here needing a bail and none of them. They throw you under the rug and let you take the blame. They're shitty friends, Seung. And I get you like to flaunt your college boyfriend or whatever to save the day, but I am not made of fucking money. I'm trying to pay for college and my apartment. I cannot do this anymore." He shook his head with a huff. "I love you but get your fucking act together."

A tear ran down Seungmin's cheek as he gave a rickety nod.

"I don't even know where this came from. You were fine last year. This is seriously—"

"Okay!" Seungmin shouted, whipping his head around to face the older.

Changbin shut up. He knew he was making Seungmin upset, but he was upset too.

Seungmin sunk back in his seat, arms crossed. He sniffed as a few more tears rolled down his face. His red eyes weren't helping much. He wiped at them multiple times before Changbin opened up the middle compartment and handed him the napkins from McDonald's stuffed inside.

"There's water in the cup holder on the door." Changbin gestured at it blindly, trying to watch the dark road in front of him.

"I don't want it."

"Drink it." Changbin said sternly.

With a sigh, Seungmin leaned forward and grabbed the bottle. Reluctantly, he took a few sips to satisfy his boyfriend.

"Are you taking me home?"

"Why the fuck would I take you home high?"

Seungmin bit his lip. "Because you're mad at me."

"That doesn't mean I'm gonna leave you to the rabid dogs."

Seungmin broke out in laughter as Changbin's comparison to his parents. They weren't the strictest parents in the world, but they would probably lose it at seeing Seungmin high. Their precious, gifted son that they put their all in, smoking weed? It would destroy them. Almost as much as it destroyed them when they found out he was dating a boy (although they did get through that).

"But I might if you pull this again."

"I won't. I'm sorry." Seungmin sniffed. He seemed be a lot less stoned than before. The smell was starting to fade, but it wasn't completely gone.

"And listen, smoke the weed. That's not what I'm mad about, okay?" Changbin said as he turned into his apartment complex. "Just don't do it so recklessly. You know what? Come smoke it with me instead."

"You smoke?"

"I did before I met you." Changbin admitted. "Sophomore year, I think? I don't know. I smoked with Jisung."

"Jisung?" Seungmin's jaw fell open. "You mean the goodytooshoes anxious kid?"

"He wasn't always a goodytooshoes." Changbin chuckled. He parked the car in front of his apartment. "Now you get in the shower until you don't stink of weed. Then we can cuddle."

Seungmin smiled. "Okay. Better be some good cuddles."

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