50-Jeongchan : Memories

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Title: Memories

Ship: Jeongchan


Hiding under the table, watching from behind the chair, tears slipped from Jeongin's eyes.

His father came home angry. Jeongin did not like the smile that came off of him either. He screaming at his mother, hitting her whenever she spoke back.

"What?! Is this too much for you?!" He screamed, shoving her head down, causing her to fall over to the ground.

He grabbed the chair Jeongin was hiding behind, throwing it at her. When he reached under and grabbed Jeongin by his arm, he let out a scream.

"Stop!" His mother called, grabbing her husband's arm.

Jeongin was dropped, and he rolled his ankle and smacked his head on the wooden floor.

He was only six. He could not decide whether to be sad or happy when the police came to take away his alcoholic dad and drug addict mom when he was fourteen. He was put into another abusive Foster home, then switched when he was fifteen to a foster family that was nice.

Jeongin was shaky and jumpy, agressive towards the family when he first met them. It was a large family. Mom, dad, and eight other boys, two also foster kids.

The only one who really tried to help Jeongin was the second oldest son, Chan.

Jeongin was having an another outbreak of anger and agression, screaming and knocking things on the ground.

Everyone watch in horror at his outbreak, but Chan jumped in and grabbed onto Jeongin's arms.

"Jeongin, look at me."

Jeongin tugged himself out of the grip, falling to his butt as his face held terror looking up at Chan.

"D-don't touch me."

This was new. Jeongin had never gave Chan a look of terror.

"Jeongin-" Chan took a step towards him.

"Get away from me!" Jeongin screamed, crawling backwards.

His look of terror fell and he looked around, tears rolling down his face.

Chan bent down next to Jeongin, giving a look of worry. "Are you okay?"

"I saw my dad." Jeongin whispered. "He was gonna hurt me."

Chan pulled Jeongin into a hug, trying to give the boy a sense of comfort. "He's not here, I promise."

Jeongin hugged Chan back, and that was the start of his trust for the older boy.

Jeongin started to calm down, his outbreaks becoming less and less common, though the hallucinations still showed up quite a lot. They found out he had Schizophrenia.

As Chan became closer to Jeongin, he slowly learned about his deafening past. From the fighting, screaming, to the inhuman abuse.

He was starting to understand why Jeongin was much more aggressive than other foster kids when he first came, and as to why he had Schizophrenia. Though, there is not a lot about Schizophrenia on what the causes are, environment is one of the known ones.

Though, there was one thing that was unanswered to Chan, and that was the reason behind his past.

One night, when the younger boy was cuddled up to Chan's side, he asked, "Jeongin, do you know why your parents fought, or why your dad was abusive?"

"My dad was alcoholic, and my mom was a drug addict." He answered immediately. "Though, my mom wasn't as effected as my dad was."

Chan nodded, holding the boy closer. He pitied him, but also tried his best to show Jeongin that he didn't have to live in the memories of his past.

This was supposed go up yesterday and I didn't finish ittt I'm sorry. But if y'all like crack books, go and check out my book Gay Kids I just recently put up ;)

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