77-Jeonglix : Little Home

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Title: Little Home

Ship: Jeonglix


For years, Jeongin and Felix dreamed of living together. But school and family and finical problems were in the way. Finally, they bought a house and today was the day they were moving in.

Jeongin pushed the door in, a bright smile on his face as he spun in a circle. His eyes scanned the house in awe. "It's so pretty."

"Modern. Like you wanted it." Felix said, putting a hand on his hip as he, too, glanced around.

Jeongin turned around to Felix, a big smile on his face. "Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? You bought it, too."

"I know." Jeongin sang, bouncing over to Felix with a skip. He threw his arms around his lover, scrunching up nose. He leaned and rubbed their noses together lovingly. "But it's thanks to you we were able to get it."

Felix smiled brightly as he wrapped his arms around Jeongin's waist. "I should be thanking you for moving to Australia with me."

"Of course!" Jeongin exclaimed as he backed his face away from Felix's. "Australia is so pretty compared to Korea. I can learn English just like you learned Korean!"

Felix pecked Jeongin's lips. With a shake of the head, he let go of the younger. "We should get the boxes in then. Luckily, this place is already furnished and we just have our things."

"That aren't furniture."


The boys carried the boxes inside the house. The boxes were filled with things like kitchen utensils, art supplies, decorations, books, clothes. They brought in about ten boxes before finally being able to relax into their new couch.

Felix's phone rang, and he picked it up with a tired sigh. "Hello?" He said in English, unsure if this was an old friend or a scam caller.

"Hey, this Felix?"

"Who's this?"

Jeongin watched him curiously, unable to understand the conversation.

"Nick! From high school!"

Felix sat up with surprise, startling Jeongin. "Nick? How'd you get my number?"

"My brother's friends with your cousin, remember, dork?"

Felix smiled. "Oh yeah. How are you?"

"Been great. I'm guessing you're finally back from Korea since you answered in English. How was Korea by the way?"

"It fun. Living there for four years really showed me the ropes of my home culture. I actually came back with my boyfriend."

"Shut up, you don't have a boyfriend."

"But I do! We got together while I was there and I had to come back because my visa was up, so I asked him if he would come back with me and agreed."

"So you have a Korean boyfriend? Does he speak any English."

Felix glanced over at Jeongin warily. "No."

Though, Jeongin understood that word. He narrowed his eyes at Felix, wondering what exactly this conversation was about.

"You know what, Nick, I gotta go. We just got back and are still unpacking. I'll see you around."

"Yeah sure man. See ya."

Felix hung up, turning to Jeongin with a smile.

"Who was that?" Jeongin asked.

"An old friend." Felix said as he scooted closer to the younger. He enveloped him in a hug, kissing his head lovingly. "I love you."

Jeongin giggled. "I love you, too."

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