117-Seungjin : I See You

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Requested by @SlytherinQueen36

Title: I See You

Ship: Seungjin

  As Seungmin flipped through the pages of his current book, he could feel eyes on him. His curtains were closed and both of his parents were out. His sister moved out about a year ago so unless she snuck into the house he was alone.

  Or, of what he could see.

  On his desk was the ghost of a boy that left Seungmin quite recently. His death was the most traumatic experience he could remember. One that left him all alone. His only friend he ever had. They were tied at the hip ever since they were young, and grew up close together. When Hyunjin left the world, so did Seungmin's mental health.

  Seungmin sighed and pushed away from the book, closing it. Tears welled up in his eyes. It was clear he couldn't focus on the book itself.

  "Minnie." Hyunjin frowned, hopping off the table. He placed a hand on the younger's face, but he only flinched away from the cold air and stood from his chair.

  Hyunjin watched as Seungmin climbed into his bed and stuffed his face into his pillow to cry. It had been this way for the last three weeks. Seungmin cried a lot. He started therapy, but that couldn't help him get through this grief.

  At first, his parents thought Seungmin was just grieving. It seemed that way, but there were too many meltdowns and laziness that they started to worry. This wasn't Seungmin at all. His grades dropped within the first week, completely unlike him. Then, he stopped visiting his grandma, which worried both his parents and his grandma. Eventually, his parents had to start worrying about whether he got up to go to school or not. His attendance dropped with the first two weeks.

  So when they realized this was more than just grieving, they sent Seungmin to therapy.

  No one realized that Hyunjin held Seungmin up in a good headspace.

  Hyunjin lied on the bed next to Seungmin. "You start college soon. You should be studying for finals." Hyunjin sighed. "You can't be like this."

  "I'm sorry." Seungmin mumbled. "I'm so sorry, Hyunjin."

  Hyunjin turned his head to look at his best friend. He listened to carefully. He knew Seungmin couldn't hear him. He already learned that.

  "I need you. I really need you. I can't do this by myself."

  After a few more therapy sessions, Seungmin was a little better. It was clear he was still struggling, but his grades were back up and his parents stopped worrying about his attendance. He passed his finals and got into a college in the music program, just as he wanted.

It was a year later, and Seungmin was currently lying in his roommates bed for the comfort. Clutching the sheets and holding tears.

"Hey, Seungmin. You've been pretty down today, you okay?" Jisung said as he walked into the room from their shared bathroom. He had a towel on his wet hair, and made his way towards the drawer to look for a shirt. When Seungmin didn't answer, he paused his task and turned to turn the boy. "Seungmin? You okay? Wanna talk about?" Still silence. "Anything I can do?"

Seungmin sat up in the bed, a sad look on his face. "A year ago today, my best friend died."

Jisung strangled a random shirt into his hand and slipped it on, sitting down on his bed. "I'm sorry, Min."

Hyunjin watched sadly from the edge of the bed. He knew this was going to happen, and was quite sad about it. He knew Seungmin was still grieving, it was obvious.

"It's the reason I'm like this. Struggling with depressive episodes, and anxiety attacks. I didn't think I'd ever have to go without him."

Jisung scooted closer to Seungmin, placing an arm around his shoulders and pulling him closer. "Seems like you relied on him a lot."

"I did." Seungmin nodded. "Too much."

"You know, now that I think about it, Changbin mentioned something about how Chan could see ghosts. What if your best friend was following you?"

Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Ghosts don't exist."

Jisung shrugged his shoulders. "You never know."

  When Seungmin came into contact with Chan after school one day in his music room, he couldn't keep his curiosity down.

  "Chan hyung?"

  "Hm?" Chan hummed. His fingers pricked the keyboard of his laptop as he wrote lyrics to his beat.

  "Jisung said that. . . That you could see ghosts. Is that true?"

  Chan chuckled, pushing away from his desk and turning in his chair to face Seungmin.

  Next to Seungmin on the couch, was Hyunjin. His eyes stayed on Seungmin, ignoring Chan completely. He was trying to read Seungmin, wanting to know if he really believed that Hyunjin was following him.

  Chan's eyes glossed over Hyunjin. "Why do you ask?"

  "I was just curious. You know. If, maybe, someone was following me." Seungmin admitted.

  "There is." Chan replied. "A very pretty teenager if I do say so myself."


  "He looks about seventeen or eighteen, or, that must've been how old he was when he died." Chan sat back in his chair, crossing his legs and arms. "He won't take his eyes off of you."

  Hyunjin's eyes finally snapped to Chan, a glare. He didn't find it funny that this guy was giving him away to his best friend. It wasn't what Seungmin needed right now. What he needed was to move on.

  "Why are you glaring at me?" Chan chuckled. This only resulted in Seungmin to give him a confused look.

  "I'm not glaring at you."

  "Not you, this ghost. Tell me your name, ghost."

  Hyunjin scoffed. "It's none of your business."

  "Okay, fine. What're following Seungmin for?"

  Hyunjin stayed silent for a few moments. "When I died, he fell apart. I feel like it's my fault completely."

  Chan's smile faded. "Oh."

  "I jumped. I jumped with him right there. He watched me kill myself and now. . ." Hyunjin scowled, letting his head fall.

  Chan turned to Seungmin, who was staring at Chan. He cocked his head.

  "I'm so sorry, Seungmin." Chan uncrossed his arms and legs. "I didn't know. . ."


  "Whatever this guys name is, said he jumped in front of you."

  Seungmin's eyes widened. "H-Hyunjin. . ."

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