92-Seungjin : My Beloved Neighbor

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Requested by @lovalavalove

Title: My Beloved Neighbor

Ship: Seungjin

  Seungmin let out a long sigh as the door closed. A rag in his hand, leaning over the counter top of the cafe he worked at. The last costumer of the day walked out just a few moments ago, giving Seungmin the freedom to go home.

  He smacked the rag to his side as he turned around to leave to the back room. He threw the rag into the laundry bin and opened his locker. He untied the back of his apron, bringing the straps around his head with ease. He folded it nicely before setting it into grey locker. He closed the locker and grabbed his bag, heading home for the day.

  As Seungmin walked home, he stretched his arms high into the air. It was nearly ten into the afternoon, and Seungmin was ready to sleep.

  Finally, he reached his apartment.

  The apartment complex was relatively small, but also had gracious space.

  As Seungmin approached his apartment door, he realized that they were boxes surrounding the once empty apartment next door. A man with silky black hair walked out. He picked up a box before turning and making eye contact with Seungmin.

  "Hello." Seungmin greeted with a smile.

  The man didn't answer but instead, turned and walked into his apartment.

  Seungmin watched in silence, a bit offended by the lack of politeness his new neighbor was showing him. He decided to ignore it for the time being and went inside his own apartment.

Seungmin woke early the next day. A few friends of his were supposed to be over soon. He cleaned his house at a quick pace, hoping to catch his neighbor and have a chat with him.

  That's if he let him.

  Seungmin walked out of his apartment, smiling when he saw his new neighbor going through a box outside his door.

  "Hello." Seungmin said, catching the attention of his neighbor. "Again. Um, I'm Seungmin. I'm your neighbor."

  "Hi." He said. "My name's Hyunjin." Hyunjin's attention immediately went back to his box. He found what he was looking for and went back inside.

  Seungmin let out a sigh. At least he got his name this time.

  As soon as Seungmin left his apartment, he noticed Hyunjin walking down the hallway to the stairs.

  He jogged up to him. "Hello, Hyunjin."

  "Hello, Seungmin."

  The past week Seungmin had been trying to spark some conversation with his neighbor everyday. Yesterday, he finally opened up a little bit. He would hold a conversation now with Seungmin, but only long enough to tell Seungmin that he really wasn't as easy as he thought.

  "Do you have work today?" Seungmin asked.

  "I do."

"I do, too." Seungmin said, putting a big smile on his face. "Where do you work?"

"A few blocks away." Hyunjin was starting to pick up his pace, so Seungmin slowed down and let him walk alone again. He clearly wasn't interested in a conversation today.

Seungmin found himself knocking on Hyunjin's apartment everyday to get his attention. Some days it would be jokes. Some days it would just be to spark up a conversation.

One day, Hyunjin realized that it was way past the time that Seungmin usually came to his door. He even tried knocking on Seungmin's door to check on his beloved neighbor, but he didn't answer.

Hyunjin took out the piece of paper that Seungmin gave to him with his number on it. He dialed the number, waiting impatiently for someone to pick up.

"Hello, this is Dayum hospital. The owner of this phone is currently in surgery. Is there a message I can send?"

Hyunjin sat in silence for a few moments before speaking.

"Seungmin's in surgery?"

"Yes, sir. Who is this? I can send a message when he gets out."

"No, I'm coming down right now." Hyunjin hung up in a rush. He grabbed his keys and was out the door in a jiffy. He ran all the way to the hospital, practically slamming the doors open when he arrived.

He shuffled up to the front counter. "Is Kim Seungmin here?"

The nurse typed into her computer before answering. "He is currently in surgery. He'll be out within an hour."

Hyunjin sat in the waiting room, unsure if any of Seungmin's family was here.

A boy walked up to him.

"You're Hyunjin, aren't you?" The boy asked.

Hyunjin nodded, confused.

"I'm Jisung. I'm one of Seungmin's friends. He got into an accident."

An accident.

Why did it take an accident for Hyunjin to realize how important Seungmin was to him?

This was supposed to come out yesterday I'm sorry 😬

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