17-Hyunin : Soundless

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Title: Soundless

Ship: Hyunin

Jeongin held onto the bar as he walked down the stairs, watching his own feet as he stepped down. Once he reached the wooden floor, he used the wall to guide himself towards the kitchen.

Turning into the kitchen, his eyes landed on his boyfriend. Jeongin smiled.

Hyunjin looked back upon hearing footsteps, smiling. He waved at Jeongin before returning to his cooking. Jeongin took a seat.

Jeongin knocked his fist against the table, catching Hyunjin's attention so he was looking at him. Jeongin lifted his hands. "What's for breakfast?"

Hyunjin lifted his eyebrows. He ignored the signing Jeongin had just given and continued to cook, leaving the younger to pout. Once Hyunjin finished, he placed two plates of eggs on the table.

"This." Hyunjin signed before gesturing to the food. Jeongin rolled his eyes.

The two ate in silence, like they spent everyday. Silence. Whenever Hyunjin was home, the entire house was filled with silence. Then again, Jeongin's life had always been soundless, from day one.

Once Jeongin finished, he stood and placed his plate in the sink, before joining Hyunjin back at the table.

"Do you have school today?"

Hyunjin nodded. He held up two fingers, saying he only had two classes that day. "They'll be over before you know it and I'll be home again."

Jeongin pouted. He hated when his boyfriend left home and he was all alone. Alone was never fun. The place would be empty and he could never find something to do.

Hyunjin shook his head as he stood up. As he passed by Jeongin, he ran his fingers through his hair. Jeongin huffed as he watched Hyunjin.

Hyunjin turned around. "I'll leave now. I love you." Hyunjin walked towards Jeongin and leaned down, placing a kiss on his lips before grabbing his bag and leaving out the door.

He felt bad for leaving him alone.

As Hyunjin walked onto campus, his friends caught up to him.

"Hey~." Jisung greeted, Felix and Seungmin following.

"Hi." Hyunjin said, his morning voice still showing due to never using it in the morning.

"You always sound like you haven't used your voice in hours when you come to school." Seungmin shook his head. "I thought you said you live with your boyfriend."

Hyunjin groaned. "I do."

"Why can't we ever see him?" Felix pouted.

"It's complicated." Hyunjin shook his head. "You guys wouldn't be able to communicate with him."

"Oh really?" Jisung challenged.

"Yeah." Hyunjin signed, confusing his friends.

"What the hell does that mean? Are you flipping us off in another language?" Seungmin asked. "You do realize we all speak English here except you."

"He doesn't speak English. In fact, he doesn't technically speak Korean either." Hyunjin stated as Jisung pushed open the door to the classroom.

"What?" Seungmin shook his head, pushing up his round shaped glasses. "Hyunjin, what language does he speak?"

"None." Hyunjin shrugged.

"How does he-"

"I have to get to my seat." Hyunjin cut off Seungmin with a sweet smile before jogging off to his seat in the back of the room.

"How does he not speak any language?"

Hyunjin was glad to be back home. Being at school with those losers was not fun. He would rather spend every possible minute with Jeongin.

When he came home, he heard a squeal before his smaller boyfriend came running at him and hit him with a bear hug. Hyunjin chuckled as he hugged him back.

Hyunjin placed a kiss on Jeongin's head. The younger boy looked up at his lover with his killer smile, a bright sunshine that could blind anyone's eyes with its beauty.

Hyunjin pulled Jeongin in and closed the door.

"Let's go watch a movie and cuddle, okay?"

Jeongin nodded before pulling the older up the stairs towards their bedroom.

Oh god, Hyunjin did not care if Jeongin would never hear his voice. All that mattered to him was that he was happy.

I feel like I haven't updated in forever but it's been like what, a day or two? It's literally 3 in the morning I need to sleep.

Have a great day/night everyone!!

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