93-Changlix : This Isn't You

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Title: This Isn't You

Ship: Changlix

Tw : mentions of drug use

Changbin let out a huff, watching two of his members playfully dual. Jisung continuously ducked around Hyunjin's reckless punch throws. They clearly did not know what they were doing, and it bugged Changbin a little bit, even if it was just playful wrestling.

There was nine of them, nine dancers who travelled around for competitions. They stayed in dorms together to grow closer as a family.

The front door opened, one of the youngest members, Felix, coming in. Everyone turned their attention to the blonde boy. He paused for a few moments, taking in everyone who was in the room. Then, walked past them into the hallway.

  "Felix." Changbin called. "You're home late."

  Felix waved a hand dismissively as he walked into his respected bedroom. It closed with a slam.

  "He smelled a little funky." Jisung commented. "Or was that just me?"

  Changbin let out a growl, standing up. "Smelled like weed to me."

  Jisung and Hyunjin stared at Changbin with wide eyes, shocked by the words that left his mouth. He had just implied that Felix had done weed.

  "Hyung." Jisung swallowed. "I don't think Felix would do that."

  "He might not." Changbin huffed, finally looking over at his dongsaengs. "But he might be hanging around people who are."

  The two still didn't seem at ease that answer. How could their precious Felix do that?

  "I'm following him tomorrow. This has happened once too many times." Changbin stated. "Get to bed, you two."

  Changbin walked into the bedroom. Felix was on his phone, staring at the bright screen with no remorse for his eyes.

  "Felix." Changbin called, walking up to the younger. It took him a minute, but Felix looked up at Changbin. His eyes were bloodshot red, and Changbin had a feeling it wasn't from lack of sleep or stress. The smell of weed was stronger now that he was standing in front of him. "Where were you? Why do you smell like drugs?"

"I don't." Felix shook his head. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed." Felix placed his phone on his bedside table. "Goodnight, hyung."

Changbin glared down at the younger but he was already tucking himself under the covers, facing away from him. "Night." He said coldly, moving to his own bed.

The next night, when Felix left the house, Changbin left a few minutes after to follow him.

Jisung came along.

"You didn't have to come, Jisungie." Changbin said as they walked along the sidewalk that Felix was just walking down.

"I'm worried about him." Jisung said. "He barely talks to me anymore, I'm scared he really is doing drugs."

Before turning down the street Felix had, the two peeked. Jisung frowned deeply, wanting to cry. Changbin felt disappointment fill his body.

There Felix was, taking the weed cigar from the hands of another guy, taking a swig at it.

Changbin and Jisung waited for hours until Felix finally started making his way back. When he turned the corner, seeing two of his teammates, he froze, unsure what to do or say.

Changbin walked up to him, anger filling his lungs. He grabbed the back of Felix's neck, pulling his face towards him. "This isn't you. Why would you be going behind our backs to do drugs? What's your problem? What's wrong with you?"

Felix had his eyes squinted close the whole time, not wanting to face an angry Changbin.

  "Answer me!"

  "I feel stressed." Felix squeezes out. "I'm sorry."

  Changbin dropped his hand, shaking his head at the younger. "This isn't you."

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