124-Seungchan: Red Lights

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Title: Red Lights

Ship: Seungchan

TW: Obsession and a bit of light gore

Chan watched two of his dear friends joke around from across the table. Minho was clearly bothering Seungmin on purpose, reaching around and tickling him in every known sensitive area he had. Minho had always been like this with Seungmin. He always found a way to bother him or annoy him, one way or another.

Chan had found himself growing intolerant with Minho's antics. Seungmin was very special to him, and he wanted nothing more than the boy to be happy.

Maybe Minho's intentions were innocent, but Chan found no true way for Seungmin to enjoy some of his pranks.

Minho shoved a finger into Seungmin's side. Seungmin let out a yelp as a result.

"Minho." Chan was short.

The slightly younger boy pulled away from Seungmin, his smile disappearing. "Sorry, Seungmin."

"It's okay." Seungmin smiled. His eyes flickered to Chan, but he said nothing to the older.

Chan lit a cigarette as he sat behind the school. Due to his senior schedule, he was released much earlier than any of his friends. It gave him too much free time, time he'd rather spend with Seungmin. But of course, Seungmin was only a sophomore. His schedule didn't allow for that.

He heard the distant sound of two of his friends talking. He strained his ears to listen. It was Hyunjin and Jisung, the two trouble makers of their friend group.

"It was an accident though, right?"

"Well, yeah. Minho would never do that on purpose. Especially not with Chan being so short with him lately. It probably wasn't even meant for Seungmin." He heard Jisung say.

Chan sat up and turned to the gate to look the two in the eyes. "What did Minho do?"

The two froze, clearly fearful of being caught. Hyunjin wiped his hands down his pants while Jisung's eyes met everything except for Chan's eyes.

He leaned in closer, lowering his tone. "What did he do?"

"Um." Hyunjin began. "It was just a prank. I think." Jisung gave a kick in the shin. "Ah! Uh. Minho put a bucket of paint on top of some propped open doors. It fell on Seungmin and he ended up in the nurse's office."

"Open this gate."

Hyunjin glanced at the gate. "Aren't you supposed to have gone home?"

"Open it."

Jisung quickly took initiative and opened the gate for the older boy. He marched past the two sophomores and made his way towards the nurses office to visit Seungmin.

His anger faded away for the moment and was replaced with worry as he approached the nurse's office. He could never forgive himself if anything truly bad happened to Seungmin. He had promised himself to protect the precious boy, but if he couldn't even do that, what good was he?

Chan bursted into the nurse's office, completely ignoring the nurse as he made his way to the only closed curtain ear. He opened the curtain to find Seungmin asleep with a bandage around his head. A bloody bandage at that.

Chan could feel the anger rising again. There was a reason he had been so short with Minho lately. He knew this would end bad, and look it here, Seungmin was hurt.

Chan passed by the complaining nurse again and left outside.

Minho also had a shortened senior schedule. Chan knew where Minho went during his free time. It was where they all went when they all had free time to spend time together.

  He was seeing red lights now.

Jisung quickly dialed his hyung's number, Hyunjin holding onto his shoulders behind him for dear life. He tried to use his free hand to squeeze Hyunjin's hand back, but eyes were frantically following Chan as he marched off to find Minho.

"Hello?" Minho answered through the phone.

"Are you under the bridge right now?" Jisung asked. It came out quick, almost like he was rapping it.

"Yeah, why?"

"So, um, Chan found out about Seungmin. And he's coming. I think he's going for his car right now." Jisung said.

"Yeah, yeah. That's his car." Hyunjin said as they watched the older get into the driver's seat of his car.

"You know, I don't think I've ever seen him that angry, hyung." Jisung said nervously. "Like seriously, I'm scared for you."

Minho scoffed. "I'll be fine. I'll talk it out with him and explain what happened. He'll understand."

"I don't know if he's up for chatting." Hyunjin mumbled as the car drove out of the parking lot.

  "Just, please be careful, hyung." Jisung pleaded.

  "Okay. I'll be fine. I promise. Bye Hannie."

  Minho sighed as he put the phone away. He could hear the heavy footsteps of Chan coming around the corner. He did feel guilty for what happened with Seungmin, but he knew it was an accident and nothing more. It wasn't meant to hit him like it did. Chan would understand.

  Although, Minho immediately knew what Hyunjin meant when Chan finally rounded the corner, a serious look on his face and a knife in hand. He felt his blood run cold and his heart drop to his ass. He took a hesitant step back. "Hey, hyung. Let's talk about this." Minho said nervously.

  "What's there to talk about?" Chan said, no smile in sight. He kept his speed as he inched closer to Minho.

  "It was an accident, I swear. It wasn't—"

  "How was placing a bucket of paint above some double doors Seungmin was bound to walk through an accident?" Chan tilted his head menacingly at Minho. It was definitely a question, but it felt like a rhetorical question.

  "Well, that part wasn't. I didn't realize—Woah, hyung!" Minho scuffled back as Chan lifted the knife. "I didn't know it would hit him like that! Okay?!" He shouted desperately. "Seriously, it was an accident!"

  "How many times did I tell you to leave him be?" The knife was lifted higher as Chan got closer and closer. "How many times did I say you would regret it?"

  "Serious—" Minho tried to make it a run for it, but Chan grabbed him by the shirt before he could even dart past him.

  Chan shoved against the wall of the bridge, knocking the wind out of him. Minho found himself wrestling Chan to keep the knife away from. "Please, hyung!" Minho cried. "It was an accident, I swear! I'm sorry!" Tears were beginning to form as fear began to settle in. "It wasn't—" Minho pushed harder at his hand.

  All the struggling earned a knee to the stomach from Chan. The knife was lifted even higher.

  "PLEASE HYUNG, IM SORRY!" Minho shouted.

  Minho let out a gasp as heard the knife pieces him. His hands found the bloody knife imbedded deep into his stomach, Chan's hand holding it there.

  "There shouldn't be a next time, but if there is—" Chan grew closer to Minho's ear. "It'll be that brainless head of yours."

  Chan took a step back, pulling the knife out from Minho's gut. He stared down, poker face, at the younger before leaving him to bleed.

  That should teach him.

Hi I would just like to note that these type of oneshots aren't to romanticize relationships like these. I want people to take into consideration that when a oneshot follows a crazed member, to take it with a grain of salt as you are following an unreliable narrator. It is meant to make you sympathetic with the villain, but that does not make what the villain did right.

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