150-Minlix: Princess Attitude

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Requested by @UV_reader19

Title: Princess Attitude

Ship: Minlix

//you said adorable brat and my immediate thought was blond, fashion obsessed bitch so I might not have done this justice...not even sure if this counts for fluff tbh. Hope you enjoy anyway!

also I'm sorry this took so long I could not for the life of me find the inspiration 😭

"This is too much. I can't afford this, Felix."

"Yes, you can."

Chan grunted. "No, I can't. It'll max out my credit card and I won't be able to pay that off in time—"

"I thought Minho asked you to take me shopping?"

Chan blinked. He tried not to react with his face as his slid over to the counter next to him where the cashier sat waiting for them to decide whether or not they were getting the clothes stacked in Chan's arms. He licked his lips as they bounced back to Felix to see him crossing his arms with a hip popped out. His head was lowered so he was looking at Chan over his pink flame-shaped sunglasses with a raised eyebrow.

Chan found the ceiling. He couldn't bare to look the younger in the eyes. He seriously couldn't stand his attitude. He acted like he was some princess with the freedom to do whatever he wanted all because Lee Minho was his boyfriend. Minho was supposed to be his best friend, but when it came to Felix, nothing was above him. Even Chan apparently. "He did."

"And I don't have any money. And if we only relied on my money, we wouldn't be shopping, hyung." Felix said.

Chan sighed and set the clothes on the counter. There was no point in arguing with him. If Minho found out he said no to Felix, they'd end up in a fight again. Minho was a good friend when Felix wasn't the topic of the conversation. When he was? Chan wanted to sock him in the face.

"Will you be getting all these?"

"Yup." Chan dug for his wallet. "Apparently I don't have a choice."

She raised an eyebrow at Chan but began to scan the clothes quietly.

Felix smiled at his win and leaned against the counter next to Chan. He pulled his phone out and scrolled through the screen. "Minho's coming to pick us up."

"Good." Chan grunted. He wasn't going to take Felix shopping ever again. He wouldn't be able to get that game he was looking forward to getting now. He'd have to wait until next month.

Felix skipped out of the shop and down towards parking lot, Chan dragging behind him with a good six or seven bags of clothes and a frown plastered to his face. While Felix couldn't be any happier, Chan looked ready to sock the "sunshine" character in front of him in the face.

Minho's car pulled up to the sidewalk just as they approached it. Felix obviously took the passenger seat and left Chan to struggle to even get into the back.

"Did you have fun?" Minho asked as Chan shuffled bags upon bags into the far left of the back.

Felix beamed up at him. "So much! I'm gonna have to go through my closet again, hyung."

Minho leaned over and pecked Felix on the cheek before glancing back at Chan with a raised eyebrow. "Don't rip anything."

Chan met Minho's eyes wide as he shoved the last bag down below the seats. Don't rip anything, yeah okay fucking asshole.

Minho intertwined his hand with Felix's as he pressed on the gas. Chan was hardly in his seat when the car began moving. Seriously, if it had just been the two of them he would have paid more attention to whether or not Chan was actually sitting.

Felix looked back at Chan. In gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss fashion, he smirked.

Felix and his fucking Princess attitude.

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