127-Seungchan: Manic

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Title: Manic

Ship: Seungchan

TW: a bit of gore


Seungmin fiddled with the rings lining his fingers as he zoned out on the concrete in front of him. He was barely awake as he walked towards the bus station.

His whole life had collapsed just days before. Now, he was at a new school, a new neighborhood, and a new family. Seungmin was no longer in the wrong state of mind, he felt like he was at the top of the world. No one could bring him down. After doing what he did, he felt better. If he was manic, which he highly doubted, he hoped it never ended. This time he was better. This time he was he was free from the torments of his family.

Seungmin had been so zoned out, thinking about his current state of mind that he his shoulder smacked another. He quickly came out of his trance and turned to apologize.

"What the fuck dude?" The stranger, who clearly went his new school, threw his hands up in Seungmin's face. "Can't watch where you're going?"

Seungmin glanced around to notice that he had arrived at the bus stop. If he hadn't ran into this guy, he probably would have walked past it.

"It was an accident." Seungmin scoffed. "I was gonna apologize, but now I don't feel like apologizing."

"Oh yeah?" This guy's face was right in Seungmin's, way too close for his comfort.

Seungmin wasn't about to back down from this jerk. He tilted his head with a sneer. "Back up."

"Or what? You gonna—"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence when Seungmin's palm met his back, sending him full force backwards towards the concrete wall behind him.

Chan's jaw fell open as he watched Minho stumble away from the wall and out of this new kid's way. He held the back of his head, which had already left a layer of blood on the concrete wall that separated the stairs that led up to the bridge. It had been a long time since he'd seen the bratty teenager get humbled like that, if at all.

"Holy, shit." Jisung mumbled from beside him. He had a hand hovering his lips, but his eyes said it all. "If that wasn't my crush I'd be laughing right now."

Chan shook his head at the younger, quickly trying to divert his gaze from the steaming new kid. "Why the hell do you like someone like that?"

"He's tsundere, not a bully." Jisung said.

"No, he's an asshole." Chan said. He gave a sigh as he looked back to see Minho sitting on the ground, one hand to the back of his head and the other dialing someone his phone. The new kid stared at him for a few moments longer before looking back to make eye contact with Chan. Chan broke the eye contact immediately. The last thing he wanted was to end up like Minho.

The bus finally came and Chan and Jisung took the back, where their friend Changbin sat at the back.

"Hey, Binnie." Jisung took the seat next to the older boy with a smile. Chan took the seat on the very edge, choosing to ignore their conversation and instead be hyper vigilant of the other students around. Mainly the two that just spilled blood.

Chan realized that Minho didn't even board the bus. He probably was going to head home or to a hospital to clean up that nasty wound. The new kid, on the other hand, stood right in front of Chan. Chan watched him closely, but the boy never spared him a glance.

He also noticed that Jisung had gone quiet when he stood there. His pick in topic was likely what just happened at their stop.

"Hey, hyung." Changbin reached over Jisung tapped the older's leg. "Did Minho not show up today?"

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