37-Jeonglix : Roommate

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Title: Roommate

Ship: Jeonglix



Felix let out a sigh, letting his fingers take a break from the continuous writing on his laptop. Homework had become an excessive part of his life, and he was not keen on keeping it in his life much longer.

The door to Felix's dorm opened, his sweet roommate, Jeongin, walking in. He gave a small wave before turning to go to his room.

"Wait, Jeongin." Felix stood from the desk.

Jeongin turned to him, his eyes meeting with Felix's nervous ones.

"Um." Felix gave a thought to what he was going to say, before it came back to his mind again. "Happy birthday."

Jeongin smiled. "You remembered."

"Yeah." Felix nodded. "You are my roommate. My friend. Someone I care about." Felix chuckled nervously.

"Thanks." Jeongin's voice was quiet, it was always quiet. He was a quiet person. He never put himself too far out in the world for people to notice him. He had his friends, but he had a small amount.

"Yup. It's no problem, really." Felix scratched the back of his head. "It's really easy to remember."

"People don't usually remember my birthday." Jeongin said. "I have to finish my homework, Felix."

"Right, right. You need to finish your homework. Which means, you have to go to your room and get out your laptop, which means no more talking to me. I should stop talking so you can go do your homework." Felix rambled. "I'll let you go do your homework by not talking anymore."

Jeongin chuckled. "Okay. See you later." Jeongin waved at Felix before turning and leaving into his own room.

Felix cursed at himself for making such a fool out of himself, like he always did when he spoke to Jeongin. He had a crush on the younger boy, despite being completely blind of his sexuality. Felix had always hoped that Jeongin had swung the other away, even just slightly would have been convient for Felix.

He sat back down with a pout, returning to his homework.

In the corner of the computer, it was a notification from Jeongin.

Felix opened the message.

'Thanks For being such a great friend. I really appreciate.'

Felix let out a sigh. Friend.

Later that night, Felix heard something fall in the bathroom. He stood up and walked towards the bathroom door.

Felix opened the door, only for it to be slammed in his face again with a loud squeak from Jeongin on the other side of the door. "Don't come in!"

"Why? Are you okay?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry about me. Go back to sleep."

Felix frowned. Jeongin was shutting him out again. He did this quite often when Felix had seemingly came close to finding him do something he probably was not supposed to be doing.

"Jeongin, open the door." Felix said calmly.

"But, but I'm fine!"

"If you were fine, you would just open the door."

It was quiet, other than the distinct breathing of Felix and Jeongin on the other side of the door.

"You can't tell anyone." Felix heard him whisper before he opened the door.

Jeongin quickly reached over and grabbed the paper towel he was using before. He pressed it against his bleeding wrist with a deep breath.

"Jeongin. . ." Felix frowned.

Felix took a step forward and pulled Jeongin into a hug. "You're not okay."

"I'm not." Jeongin's voice cracked. "I'm sorry."

"No, no. You don't have to be sorry. It's okay not to be okay." Felix assured.

"There are days, I. . . I just want to. . . to die. I feel like. . . like I don't belong." Jeongin stuttered. "Sometimes I just sit. . . I just sit there. It's like this. . . this never ending hole of. . . of. . . of nothingness."

Felix listened, understanding some of Jeongin's behavior from his explanation. He continued to rub circles on his back, in attempts of comforting him.

"Thank you. For listening." Jeongin cried.

"Of course."

Um, guess who actually going back to her old schedule. Updates everyday. Who ready?

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