46-Seungjin : The Soulmate Song

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Title: The Soulmate Song

Ship: Seungjin


Nearly everyone is assigned a soulmate, a song put into their head that only they and their soulmate know.

Seungmin almost felt as if he would never meet his soulmate. All his friends surrounding him had their soulmates. Except Woojin who had unfortunately been born without a song in his head.

"What's your song even about?" Chan asked as he ate Fritos over Seungmin's bed.

"It's about a willow-stop! You're going to get crumbs on my bed!" Seungmin took the chips from Chan and put it on his end desk.

"You can vacuum it." Chan whined as he reached over Seungmin to take the chips back.

"No!" Seungmin pushed Chan back. "I don't have the patience to do that."

"What do you mean? You do it every week." Chan pointed out.

Seungmin gave Chan a glare. Realizing he was right, Seungmin gave the chips back to the puppy-like boy (though when dancing, most said he was like a wolf).

"Yay!" Chan cheered as he took the chips back gladly. "Just a willow?"

"Lone Ranger and his wife taking care of willow." Seungmin said. "I keep forgetting your's and Jeongin's."

"Cross my heart, hope to die. Taking this one step at a time." Chan sang. "I got your back if you got mine."

"Okay, Okay." Seungmin waved him off. "How did I forget it? You two sang it every time you see each other, it's annoying."

Chan pouted. "That's mean."

"Since when have I been nice?" Seungmin snapped back.

"When Jeongin fell off the skateboard while you trying to teach him-"

"That's because it was under my supervision!" Seungmin defended. "If it wasn't I would've laughed."

"No you wouldn't."

"No I wouldn't."

Chan smiled and scooted closer to Seungmin, putting an arm around him. "You'll find your soulmate soon. Then you'll really know what it's like to have that best friend."

Seungmin huffed, shrugging off Chan's arm. "Uhuh."

"Grumpy pants."

Seungmin scrunched up his face at Chan in return.


Seungmin put down his toothbrush and spit out the toothpaste. He washed off the brush before washing out his mouth and pulling out the floss.

He froze after pulling the string out. He swore he heard something from his front door. He shrugged it off and cut the string to use.

Halfway through, Seungmin had to put it down after hearing another noise. He was not going to brush it off again.

He opened the bathroom door, and looked around the hallway. After seeing nothing, he stepped out into the hallway.

"Hello?" Seungmin immediately regretted it after a breathy 'hello' responded to him.

Seungmin stumbled back to the bathroom, but as soon as he turned around to open the door, there was a body in front of him.

Seungmin let out a scream and fell back onto his butt, looking up at the man. He was rather pretty, but that was the least of Seungmin's concerns.

"Who, who are you?" Seungmin asked.

The man didn't answer, but instead started humming song as a knife was pulled from behind his back.

He's gonna kill me. Seungmin's mind immediately assumed.

Seungmin crawled backwards away, starting to listen to the song being hummed. It was familiar, too familiar. So familiar it could be his song.

As the man brought up the knife and down at Seungmin, he quickly shouted "if he had spoken love would return!"

The knife stopped, and the man's face fell.

Gulping, Seungmin continued to sing the song in the right melody than what he was before. "Spoken inside, too soft to be heard."

He started to sing along with. "Summers and winters, through snowy December's."

A smile replaced the man's sour look, but it was then Seungmin realized he seemed the same age as him.

"Great, I almost killed my soulmate." He ran a hand through his hair. "And why does it have to be you?"

"You're upset?!" Seungmin shouted in anger. He stood. "I'm the one who should be upset. My soulmate is a f**king killer!"

"I'm not a serial killer-"

"Then why did you almost kill me as if you were?!"

"Okay, Okay." The boy took a deep breath. "Let's start over. I'm Hyunjin, and I really like your house."

"Were you going to kill me for my house?"

"Do you not know the definition behind starting over?"

"No, because I'm still upset!!"

"Then calm down!"

Seungmin took a few deep breaths, knowing he needed to calm down or he would get himself killed. "Okay, Hyunjin. My name is Seungmin, and I would be so happy if you left my home."

"But we're soulmates-"

"I already asked you nicely!"

Hyunjin was staring notice how much of a temper his soulmate had. Maybe he was control freak.

"Can I at least get your number?" Hyunjin asked.

"No, I don't want to get caught up in your crimes. Leave."

"Come on."


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