68-Chanlix : Baby Sitter

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Title: Baby Sitter

Ship: Chanlix


"Felix." Felix glanced up at his mother's call, making eye contact with her stern, sharp eyes. "Since last time I couldn't trust you when I left, I've hired someone to come and watch over you."

Felix frowned, but didn't argue. Maybe it was better someone was here to watch over his dumbass-self. Besides, arguing with her would do no just for himself.

"You'll home alone for a few hours until he's able to get here."

Felix's frown deepened when she said "he". Hearing that a male would be watching him made him feel a little uneasy. Men nowadays have been known to have some crazy trickery up their sleeve, not that all men are like that.

"Goodbye, son."

"Bye, mother."

She walked out of the house, leaving Felix sitting in the dining room with his cereal that he called dinner.

Felix finished eating before washing his dish and taking a seat on the couch to play some video games.

When the doorbell rang, Felix loud out a low grunt. Great, the babysitter was here. He was sixteen, being babysat by someone who was probably not much older than he was.

Felix opened the door, shocked to find a young man who was seriously too good looking to have a job as a babysitter. Unless his mom went out of her way to find the best of the best. His hair was blonde, much like Felix's but a lighter color, with a mix of a pale purple at the tips. He wore a simple white tee with some ripped jeans.

"Hi, I'm Chan." He smiled.

Felix nodded, moving to the side to let the older male in. "Felix."

"I know."

That didn't sound creepy at all. But Felix brushed it off, thinking his mother might have told him his name.

"How long are you staying again?" Felix asked as shut the door behind him.

"Until your mom returns, so a week."

Felix rolled his eyes, facing his body towards the hallway and pointing to the closest door to him. "That's your room."



Chan sat and played video games with Felix, where Felix found him to be a very interesting person to be around. He was friendly, and had many stories to tell Felix, which were actually worth listening to in his sense.

Felix didn't realize it until the two went into the awkward silence that happens when the conversation ends, but Chan was sitting pretty close to him. He suddenly felt a little nervous and uneasy, like he did when he found out a male was watching him.

Felix tried to play it off as adjusting himself to move over, but out of the corner of his eye, noticed Chan eyed him. Like he didn't like that Felix was moving away from him. Chan stayed in his place, though, and continued to play the game with Felix.

"I noticed you had a slight accent, Felix. Where are you from?"

"Australia." Felix answered. He missed Australia to say the least, but being in Korea was better for his sick father.

"So am I."

Felix glanced at Chan. "Really?"

"Oh, yeah. I visit two or three times a year. My family still lives there. Do miss Australia?"

"Yeah." Felix didn't say anything else, still a little uneasy sitting close to him.

Felix still felt too close, so he did the same thing he did earlier, leaning back into the couch rather than leaning on his knees this time.

Felix saw the eyeing again from Chan, this time accompanied by a tongue flick against his cheek.

Later, Felix waved to Chan and decided to head off to bed. He felt better being in his bedroom farther away from Chan. He liked Chan, but he didn't know Chan well enough to be that close.


The second day with Chan was calming. Chan took Felix out to eat a restaurant for lunch, which he enjoyed.

Though, Felix noticed Chan didn't eat much. Like, normally a normal person would eat at least half their plate, but he took three or four bites before claiming he was finished.

Once again, Felix brushed this off.

They played video games again before Felix waddled off to bed.

He was half asleep, nearly dead asleep, when he heard footsteps in his room.

Felix heard a low sniff, a chuckle following.


Felix wasn't sure if he should answer or not, but decided he would act dead asleep since he was nearly there, but the butterflies in his stomach were keeping him from doing so. He knew it was Chan in his room, but the atmosphere at the moment was very unsettling.

Before Felix knew it, his flickered open as his wrists were forced onto each other, above his head. Chan was above him, but the difference in his appearance was quite vast.

"I knew you weren't asleep."

His eyes were jet black, and his skin was lined with black veins, that stuck out. His voice was deep, and echo-ie. Unlike before, Chan definitely did not look friendly.

"What-ah!" Felix moaned in agony as more pressure was put on his wrists. "What are you?" He managed out.

"A demon." He replied easily.

Felix knew was probably going to die if he told Felix so easily like that.

"You're really a nice kid, Felix, don't get me wrong. But I have to feed if I want to stay alive."

Felix gulped. This was probably not going to be a very nice death.

At this time, he wished he would've argued with his mother to let him stay home alone for the week.

"Honestly, if could, I would keep you alive. But I use my job as a babysitter to get what I need, and that's food, and that food happens to be you." Chan smiled, revealing his black, sharp teeth.

Felix let out a whimper, terrified. He didn't like the stalling at the moment.

"I'm sorry."

Like Felix believed that meant anything.

Felix let out a scream as he felt a burning pain course throughout his body. He felt as if he was burning from the inside out, pines and needles stabbing every last inch of him. Before he knew it, everything was black.

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