103-Chanlix : Alpha Kitty

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Title: Alpha Kitty

Ship: Chanlix

Felix flicked the sheets off of his bed, stretching his arms, legs, and Snow White tail, out as far as he could reach them. Within a few seconds of morning stretching, Felix's body dropped limp. His eyes fluttered straggly as he scanned the alarm clock that buzzed loudly above his head.

His tail flicked up, smacking it. The wires whipped out of the sockets and the alarm clock fell harshly to the wooden floor.

Felix watched it in silence for a few moments before deciding the best option was to get up. As much as he wanted to skip school, he knew he needed to go. Skipping wasn't an option in his family's book.

He changed into his uncomfortable uniform and brushed his teeth.

As Felix stood in front of the mirror, he cringed at his rosy cheeks filled with freckles. He came from Australia, and his cheeks still blushed at the slightest of heat. His ears flickered in disgust.

Felix was a cat hybrid, white as snow. He had a brown patch on the tip of his right ear, but nothing more.

He grabbed his backpack and slipped outside. His best friend, Jisung, a squirrel hybrid, stood outside. He had his phone out, scrolling through social media. He hadn't even noticed Felix walk out.

"Hey, Hannie." Felix greeted as he strutted towards the golden squirrel.

The boy looked up, a smile painting his face. "Hi, Lixxie. How did you sleep?"

"Good." He bounced.

The two made their way to school, chatting about anything and everything that came to their heads. The two were inseparable, ever since the day they were born. It was often a misconception that Felix was only friends with Jisung to stab him in the back one day. Their species didn't mix too well. These two always cut that stereotype to shreds.

The two went to homeroom right away. To find themselves in the same homeroom meant they had most of their classes together. They tried to keep homerooms together for classes.

Once students began piling in, Felix's eyes landed on a wolf hybrid. His ears and tail were gray, nearly black. His hair was a light brown, wavy and hanging over his eyes.

Not to mention he was clearly new.

Felix let out a purr. "He's cute."

"And he's a wolf." Jisung stated.

Felix gave him a look. "So?"

"So, he could beat the living sh*t out of you." Jisung said. "You know how the pack works around here. Their alpha doesn't allow anyone outside of the pack to converse within the pack."

Felix rolled his eyes. "That's so dumb."

"It really is." A wolf next to them spoke up. He had a smirk on his face, clearly glad that there was a new wolf joining the pack. "Who knows how long Jintao will stay Alpha though?"

Jisung and Felix decided to shut down the conversation, knowing where this conversation was about to go. They didn't want to be involved with the pack drama. They'd seen it get out of hand too many times to count on both hands.

  Despite the facts that lived among the wolves pack, Felix still sat through homeroom daydreaming about getting to know the new wolf and grow a relationship with him.

  Later that day, as Felix made his way towards his last class of the day, he was stopped in the hallway. Not in a very nice way either.

  Two wolves came crashing out of a classroom, clearly in the middle of a fight. Felix knew one of them as the alpha. The alpha threw the other wolf straight into Felix, knocking him into the wall beside him, his upper body crashing into the glass.

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