28-Woochan : I'm Happy

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Title: I'm Happy

Ship: Woochan

If you cry easily I suggest getting tissues.


It was another day in the dorms. All the members doing their own thing as it was their break time at the moment. They were going to head down to the company to get in some practice later.

Chan was in his room, staring out the window silently. He was starting to do this on a daily basis, and no one seemed to bother him when he did it. Except this time, Woojin walked in.

When Woojin walked in, he looked at Chan's eyes. The shine in them indicated sadness. They always have. For a very long time they held sadness when he was not on stage or looking at one of his members. The past few weeks, that was all Woojin saw. All he saw was sadness.


"Hm?" Chan moved his head to look at Woojin. He became confused with the frown painted on his face. "What's wrong?"

Woojin sighed, closing the door. Chan was becoming anxious. Did he do something wrong?

"What's your thought on pain?" Woojin asked, sitting next to Chan.

"Pain. . . It happens." Chan shrugged.

"Have you ever inflicted pain on yourself?"

Chan furrowed his eyebrows, licking the back of his teeth as he thought. "Not on purpose."

Woojin looked into his eyes again. The sadness was more clear.

"Are you happy?"

Chan forced a smile. "Of course I am. Why would you ask that?"

"Chan." Woojin shook his head. "Stop forcing it."

"But I am happy." His voice quivered, telling Woojin he was lying.

"Chan. Don't lie to me."

"Im hap-" Chan breathed in, forcing a larger smile on his face as tears welled up in his eyes. "I am happy. I'm not lying to you."

"Chan, no."

Sob. "I'm happy."

"Stop." Woojin gave Chan a stern look, telling him to stop lying.

"I-I am-" Chan broke down crying, "h-Happy."

"No you're not. Lying is just making worst, stop." Woojin grabbed Chan's hand, grabbing his head and placing it into his shoulder. "It's okay to be sad."

"I don't wanna let you guys down." Chan sniffed. "I'm sorry."

"You aren't letting anyone down, baby." Woojin cooed. "You just need some help and that's okay. It's okay to be sad."

"But I'm sad all the time and I don't know why." Chan's voice quivered again. "I didn't tell any of you because I was afraid of hurting you."

"You didn't hurt anyone."

Yeah sorry. But Um a little self promo if you will.
I have an original piece out. It's called 2 Dollar Bill and it'll be updated whenever I can. It's getting no recognition right now and it would mean a lot if you guys went and read it.
Alright thank you Beans!!

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