72-Hyunho : Bottom Energy

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Title: Bottom Energy

Ship: Hyunho

This isn't smut don't get your freaking hopes up.


Hwang Hyunjin was the popular jock of the school, someone with girls on tail and boys retracing his steps. He played soccer. A sport mist girls seemed to find attractive these days.

And even if Hyunjin was pretty masculine, his team members knew how much of a softy he was. It came as a wonder as to why he was still seen as scary, dominate figure with his baby blue sweat shirts that dipped into his light colored jeans.

At least, Lee Minho knew Hyunjin was everything but scary, dominant figure, and he wasn't on the soccer team.

Lee Minho was the school's dance captain. The captain was often a female, but the last few years had fallen down to this young, talented male. His flexibility was amazing, and his technique was gorgeous. Some would say ballet was his best style, but you could see the passion in his eyes when he did hip-hop.

One thing that everyone knew about Lee Minho, was that he was a gay fellow. He was obvious about it, too. Shrugging off flirting girls and grinding against boys during parties.

Yet, everyone knew he had his eyes set on Hwang Hyunjin.

"Ah, sh*t." Hyunjin cursed, realizing that he had indeed arrived late.

Hyunjin let out a huff, debating on heading back to the library right away or getting his things for his next class.

"Hwang Hyunjin."

Hyunjin spun around at the sound of the voice. The boy sounded pleasantly surprised to see him.

Hyunjin gulped when he realized it was Minho who was now standing in front of him. He knew the older had some tactics, and Hyunjin was a sucker to fall for each and every one of them. Minho was hot, period.

"I thought boys like you weren't late?" Minho said, tilting his head down with a smirk.

"Well, um, I slept through my alarm." Hyunjin said, which wasn't a total lie. He turned off rather than pressing snooze like he should have.

"Hwang's a deep sleeper?" Minho teased as he made his way over to the boy who was already trembling under Minho's stare.

Hyunjin could hear the sexual tease in Minho's voice, and had an idea as to what was happening here. Minho didn't have to try, he already had poor Hyunjin wrapped around his finger.

"I-I am." Hyunjin admitted.

Minho hummed, his eyes looking away from Hyunjin.

With the stare gone, Hyunjin felt more in control of himself. But when Minho walked past him, he felt his body start to tremble again.

Minho stomped his foot next to Hyunjin's shoe, startling the younger into running into the lockers. He let out a whimper of embarrassment.

"You know, for a soccer player, Hwang, you have a lot of bottom energy."

Hyunjin's eyes widened, and he could his face heat up from the word 'bottom' in the context Minho was using it.

Minho stepped towards Hyunjin, placing his hands on either side of Hyunjin's head. He could feel Minho's breath against his lips, causing his own to hitch.

"So vulnerable, despite kicking a ball nearly every day, dodging it, blocking it, dribbling it. Hwang, you don't act like this around the ball, do you?"

"N-no." Hyunjin stuttered.

"Then why in front of me?"

Hyunjin was speechless at this point. He bit his trembling lip, hoping to halt the uncomfortable shaking. It didn't work.

"Hwang~." Minho teased, adjusting himself so his bottom half was even closer to Hyunjin. Minho's leg slid up between Hyunjin's trembling ones.

Hyunjin let out a surprise whimper when he felt the knee close to his area.

"Say it, Hwang."

He did not say it. So Minho placed his lips teasingly against Hyunjin's jawline.

Hyunjin tried to hold in the moans, but Minho's touch was too much to resist.

"Say it." Minho repeated.

"Y-you're hot."

"Mhm, keep going." Minho pushed, nibbling on the area on his neck right below his jawline. Hyunjin let out a loud, needy whimper from this this spot, telling Minho it was his sweet spot.



"S-Stop teasing me." Hyunjin begged.

Minho chuckled, moving his face back to meet Hyunjin's. "Alright."

With that, Minho connected their lips, but his leg never moved from the spot. Or rather, it did not move down. It scooted up slightly, sending shivers down Hyunjin's spine from how needy he suddenly felt.

Hyunjin was hesitant to touch Minho back, and his hands hovered over him. Eventually, Minho pulled back and said, "you can touch me, Hwang."

Their lips connected again, and Hyunjin slowly wrapped his arms around Minho's shoulders. One hand dipped into his hair licks, curling a piece of brown hair on his finger. Minho moaned into his mouth, signaling he liked the playing of the hair.

And maybe this would have been a memorable (positive memorable) experience if a teacher hadn't slammed her door open and scream at the two.

Minho took a step back, and without looking at which teacher it was, Hyunjin slid down to the floor with his hands covering his face in embarrassment.

He could hear the footsteps of other students following.

"Both of you have detention for your extreme PDA in our school hallways, and for skipping class. This better not happen again, Hwang and Lee." She turned back around and ushered her class back into the room.

Minho patted Hyunjin's head. "It's alright, at least we have it together."

"I'm not worried about that. . ." Hyunjin whispered. "A bunch of students just witnessed us."

Minho crouched in front of Hyunjin. He took the younger boy's hands and removed them from Hyunjin's face. "That's okay. They didn't see much. It's just a bunch of other human beings like ourselves." Minho shrugged.

Hyunjin gave a light smile. "Yeah. Right."

Hi. This is the close you'll ever get to smut so enjoy it.
I'll put some fluff up tomorrow, or maybe later. But for now I'm tired and ima try and sleep. Goodnight y'all.

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