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It was about time that Sok'anya could feel the grass beneath her feet again and be surrounded by familiar trees. Spider stood right by her side and she held his hand in hers. The mother and son shared smiles to each other before turning their backs over to smiles who had his team in a circle for discussion.

"I think Sully's gone underground. Don't matter, we'll find him and his bat shit crazy wife too. To do so, we go Na'vi. We eat Na'vi, ride Na'vi and think Na'vi. We had a head start with Sok here who has been teaching us how to speak Na'vi. We will continue learning more of the language"

Miles last sentence was an attempt of trying to speak the language but pronunciation wasn't on point. Sok'anya couldn't help but hold back her laughter. But unlike Spider, he did laugh at him. "You haven't learned much at all. You sound like a three year old"

Sok'anya gently placed her hand on top of Spider's shoulder "Few days isn't enough for them. So they will continue to learn" she turns her attention to them "Most importantly I will teach you all how to connect with the forest properly" she looks down at their boots.

Miles slowly trailed down to where her eyes met and looks back up at her with a small laugh, a bit of nervousness "Heh...What you have in mind for us princess?"

"Boots. Off now"

"Hell no" Refused Ja. Everyone seemed to not want to take their boots off by the looks on their faces. Mansk was actually the first one who dropped down to untie his laces and take his boots off. Zdog looks at him before she decided to take hers off too. Lopez did the same after her and nudges Ja "Come on man, listen to mami" With that Ja followed along and everyone else finally did too. "By the way, how do you say mom in your language?" Lopez asked her.


"Oooh I like it—"

"You not allow to call me Sa'nok if that's why you ask"

"No no, mami is better" Lopez chuckles before tossing his boot aside. Sok'anya rolls her eyes before waiting for their boots to be removed. Prager didn't like how his feet touched the dirt and looks at the Na'vi woman "So...what's the point in having our shoes off?" He asked her.

"Your boots are heavy. They will only weigh you down when you walk and climb. You need to feel every part of Pandora on foot. It is how you connect with its nature. Now, the clothes must go—"

"Woah hold on—" Miles said with his hands waving in motion. "Aw I think I like where this is going" Lyle grins nodding his head as he reached for his vest to remove. "Wainfleet keep your damn clothes on!" Miles ordered as he took a step to Sok'anya. "Look darlin' our shoes are already off. We ain't takin' off our clothes"

"Soon you won't need to wear them. Doesn't fit you all" What she meant was that they are no longer human anymore to dress as they fit in with them. But of course she wouldn't tell them that. She didn't want to anger the Recoms. It was just a matter of time they will realize their place.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you dear but the last time I checked, I'm the one in charge. We didn't make you cover up. We could've forced you into some clothes but we didn't. So return the favor will ya?"

Sok'anya shakes her head "Whatever" she walks away along with Spider by her side. The group followed her into the forest. "Learn to use your ears, open to the sounds around you. Your nose is the most strongest sense just as useful as your hearing. This skill can save your life and others. You can use them to hunt. You must not have fear—"

"HOLY SHIT!" Lyle yelled but laughs it off afterwards "O-Oh that's just a bug Heh..."

Sok'anya sighed deeply shaking her head. She questions herself why she accepted to teach them but then remembers that the Recoms get to decide whether her and spider live or not. She didn't want to get killed by them or have spider get killed so she didn't have a choice but teach them. As long as Neytiri and her family are save then she wasn't worry. This will distract the Recoms from poking further about the Sullys. For now at least.

"Hey Mom! Look up there!" Spider points up the tree spotting a Yovo fruit. Sok'anya smiles happily before climbing up the tree to grab the fruit. There was plenty in the tree. She drop one down for spider to catch and passing it to each of the Recoms. Everyone looks at it with uncertainty.

"This some weird shit" Ja mutters while Mansk lifted up his sunglasses a bit to view the fruit and it's color. He even sniffed it too. "This isn't poison right?" Miles asked Sok'anya as she climbed with with her fruit. "No. It is good to eat. Try it" She took the first bite to prove it.

All in sync the Recoms took their first bite of the Yovo fruit together. "Hmm...not bad. This ain't bad" Miles was impressed before taking another bite. "W-Woah dude...this actually tasty" Lyle said through his chews. Sok'anya was happy to see them enjoy the Yovo fruit.

Continuing their walk, Sok'anya discusses all the types of creatures they will come across during the daytime and the nighttime. Even demonstrated how they sound and what they are like. Creatures that are dangerous and not dangerous to the Na'vi. She went over all the plants they passed by and taught them couple of more words to pronounce.

"I see you" She quizzes them.

"Oel ngati kameie" Not bad. Most of them are pronouncing it correctly. However, Miles just needed more practice.

"It sounds like snot coming out your nose" Miles comment which made Spider laugh. "How will this word benefit our mission?" Prager asked. "Oel ngati kameie, I see you into you. A form of respect to others when meeting" She stops at her tracks and turns around. "We do the hand gesture as we greet another. You press all three fingers to the brow of the head, sweep down slightly to the bridge of the nose before moving from the face downward" she shows them and they repeat back. "Good" She smiles proudly.

They stopped by the waterfall to get a drink of water, just a break from walking. Soon they all sat down in a surround by the rocks to meditate. "Take a moment to feel...listen and relax within your new surrounding. Be at peace with yourselves...calm your minds and your heart...and close your eyes" Sok'anya closes hers first before the rest of them did.

"Be at ease with the nature" She reminds them. "When you are ready...open your eyes" And a few seconds later she opens her eyes. One by one everyone opens their eyes and took a deep breath. Miles was the last to open his eyes and met Sok'anya. The Na'vi woman blushes slightly before turning away to look at the rest "How do you all feel?"

"Honestly I feel at peace for once" Zdog admitted. Sok'anya was glad to hear that. "I feel good. I actually needed that" Lopez said as he and Ja exchanged looks with the same impression. Prager nods his head "I feel relaxed. I don't even remember the last time I even sat down in nature and just...took a moment like this"

Mansk nods and gave her a thumbs up. Sok'anya was happy about all of their positive responses. Only Miles stood up "We need to make progress. Meditating and using our senses aren't going to help us find Sully any faster"

Sok'anya stands up as well as she walks over towards Miles "You aren't trying. You do not see. You put little effort into learning and you are the one who asked for my help. There's no progress because you do not care"

"Come on darlin' we're only beginners. If Jake Sully can do it so can we. Go easy on us will ya?"

"I am going easy. You are the one making it harder. Just learn and listen. Soon you will be able to see"

Miles ears flatted against his head "Uh...see what exactly?"

"See Pandora for what it is. And see yourselves within it" Sok'anya smiles before she brushed pass him. "We continue walk now" she raised her voice to get their attention.

"Hey missy, remember who's boss here?"

"I am teacher. You learn from me remember?"

"Alright alright show us the way"

I SEE NOW; Miles Quaritch X Na'vi! Fem Where stories live. Discover now