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As ordered by Colonel Quaritch, the Recoms including Spider and Sok'anya are making their way back out to the jungle. Ja had made sure to pack enough medical supplies this time and food. Zhang took the last pack of pudding from the canteen and shoved it into his bag. Mansk, Lopez and Prager were busy gathering weapons and checking their ammunition. Before they can depart, Miles made his way to Ardmore's office.

"You all are leaving this instance?"

"Yes ma'am. The kid is well so we will use this opportunity for him and his mother to teach us the Na'vi way"

Silence between them for a few seconds General Ardmore chuckles lightly breaking eye contact from the recom. Miles tilts his head in confusing before asking "May I ask what's funny to you, ma'am?" He questioned.

"Well Colonel, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how learning Na'vi will lead us to Sully. This savage and the kid shows clear loyalty to him. I'm not confident in the fact that they will give up any information on his whereabouts"

"As I said, General...I will make sure that they earn my trust and I earn theirs. Something will slip from them eventually. Learning Na'vi can benefit our mission. I also thought that getting used to these new bodies of ours will help. General, these hostages are more to be valuable alive. I don't need them dead just yet"

All of this was bullshit to the General. Quaritch had already grown attached to these two and making excuses to keep them alive. She's aware that he had a soft spot for the kid especially the Na'vi woman. This man is trying hard to convince her that these two will be useful to them, it was quite funny to her. More interesting should say. As long as the kid and his mother are alive there's no way they will get to Jake Sully. They are more of a distraction than being any use to the RDA.

Frances stood up from her chair to walk around her desk before leaning her lower back against it with her arms crossing. "Then I will be looking forward to the mission being completed as ordered. I want progress on it. Real progress. If we do not find Sully or if those two aren't of any use to us anymore , I need to know that you can put a bullet in her. And as for the kid, I actually had plan to have him work for us. With his own kind. But I am actually counting on you Colonel. You seem very confident that we'll get info out of those two"

"You have my word, general" Miles saluted to her. "Good. Dismissed" She tells him. Before Miles could walk further out the door he was stopped when she called his name making him turn over his shoulder but not fully at her.

"Have fun out there, Colonel. Don't get too lost out there" She didn't imply being lost in the jungle that was less of her concern. The general really meant don't forget you have a mission.

Miles didn't thank her or say anything back. He finally exit out of her office getting the proper moment to breathe. "Fucking bitch" He mutters under his breath before heading out towards one of the choppers.


They've returned to the jungle as a whole team of twelve again. Remembering the last time they were here sent shivers down Zhang's spine. He remembers trying to kill Jake's wife but only to feel that sharp pain in his back. After getting out from the chopper, Lopez and Ja took their shoes off right away.

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