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"I got your daughters. Same deal as before. You for them" Miles spoke again before dropping his hand down by his side. Mansk stayed guarding the girls Colonel while the rest of the Recoms and other troopers had spread out. Wainfleet had ordered Prager and Zdinarsk to take the top deck while he and Mansk stays on the bottom with Colonel.

Miles was losing patience as he brings the comm back towards his mouth to speak into it "I'm gonna need somethin' Jake or there's going to be consequences" He took a deep breath as he pulls the comm away from him.

"Yeah, I hear you" He hears Jake reply which made him grin. He takes his Recom M69 AR rifle and looks through the camera sight seeing that not only Jake but Spider are coming.

Damn you Sully...

You really can't do things alone can you?

"Hold your fire! He's coming!" Miles shouted. "Let's get this guy! It's what we came here for! We don't need him dead not yet..." He glances over by towards the distance, tapping his fingers on his holster.

"Sir, where's Sok?" Mansk asked.

"Don't worry about her. She's safe" Miles had told him.

"But sir...the ship is going to sink..."

Miles had ignored the recom and went over by the moonpool to check on the daughters. Still tied to the railing as they should be. He closes his eyes before talking into the throat comm "Your boy didn't have to die. You brought that on yourself. You thought you could keep your family safe but you can't. Only one way you to keep them safe. So let's get this over with before you lose another kid" he tosses the throat comm aside, now waiting for his enemy to arrive.

Mansk knows he's supposed to stay in position, he couldn't help but worry about Sok'anya. So this man left his spot to go find her. "Private Mansk has left position" one of the troops report over the comm to Miles which made the man extremely upset. He pressed his fingers against his throat comm "Private Mansk, get your tail back here I mean it!" But the other recom ignores him.

Miles sighs deeply before speaking into the comm again "You make sure nothing happens to her" He tells him. "Yes sir" was the only time that Mansk had copy to him.

Jake was coming to them any minute now, there was no time for Miles to get his men in order. This fight will happen with or without Mansk.

Once Spider and Jake reached the ship, they sneak onto it, being very cautious and trying not to cause any attention. "My mom...I wanna find my mom..." Spider mutters quietly remembering that his mom was still on the ship. He hoped that she was okay. "Is she not with my girls?" Jake whispered.

"No...no I don't think so..." Spider would only hope that she was but if not then Quaritch might've kept her somewhere hidden. "Do you know where they are?" Jake's voice was rough.

Spider quickly replies "The middle deck, where they launch the subs. There's like a pool in the centre. They're at the ford railing."

As Jake jumped down, Spider follows behind him. "No, no, stay here." Jake tells him as he held his arm out. Spider steps back slightly and obeys as he lets Jake do whatever he's got planned. But the boy was scared, he was shaking. He leans against the metal behind him trying to calm his nerves.

Quaritch won't hurt them. Spider bit his lower lips before fidgeting with is fingers. Who am I kidding? I don't know who that man is anymore. He's capable of anything! Me and my mom couldn't stop him. He rubs his knuckles against his palm. My mom is okay right? She has to be. Spider tells himself. While Jake saves his daughters, he was going to focus on rescuing his mother.


Spider gotten startled by Jake yelling before sliding down the ship. Spider quickly prepares to duck underneath the metal wing of the ship before hearing the explosion. Spider had almost slipped due to the impact. Gathering himself, in just a blink of an eye of trying to process what's happening, he sees that Jake is gone. Then he hears yelling from above the ship. The fight has started. Now Spider took this opportunity to go find his mother. He had to be careful not to be spotted by any of the soldiers or the other Recoms.

Sok'anya barely hears the commotion from outside the room. She was too worn out to care about what was happening. Her hands including her nails were bloody from trying to get the door to open. It was helpless. She curled up on the bed sniffling from all the crying fit she's done since Miles left. She felt numb all over.

I wanna go back...

Sok had already cry hard enough to cut off oxygen. Her eyes closes then opens them, seeing that she's back in the forest. Back home with Spider, with Miles and the rest of the Recoms. To her surprise, there's a small weight in her arms and looks down seeing it was her baby. A beautiful baby girl that is. She had five fingers just like Miles but the baby mostly had her mothers looks. "Oh hello there sweetheart..." she smiles showing her teeth.

"Can I hold her mom?" Spider asked. "Of course" Sok'anya carefully hands her son his baby sister. "You are so precious..." Spider had tears welled up in his eyes. Maria and Alicia sat behind Spider looking down at the bundle of joy in his arms. Their new addition to the recom family.

His baby sister reaches out for his pinky finger, holding onto it. "She so small..." Maria tears up at the sight of Colonel and Sok's baby. Lopez and Fike peeks over with amazement "Oh man, mamas really gave birth to herself. That baby don't look nothin' like Colonel" Lopez laughs along with Fike agreeing with him.

"What you say boy?" Miles shouted.

"Nada!" Lopez sat back down. "But for real though! Can I hold her next?" He asked.

"Of course" Sok'anya laughs lightly, watching their excitement. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turns around seeing Mansk "Please wake up..." he begs her as a tear ran down her face. It was unusual for her to see him...cry? Why was he crying? She tilts her head confused. She is awake, what was he talking about?

Mansk had finally found Sok'anya. He takes off his sunglasses throwing them aside before rushing to the bed. He fell to his knees, grabbing her tied hands stained with her own blood. He quickly examined her to make sure she wasn't hurt anywhere else. Her pulse was weak. He takes out his RDA combat knife, separating her wrists that were bounded by the cuffs.

"Sok...my god..." Mansk cups her face as he pressed his forehead against hers "D-Don't you take her away from me. You will not take her...you taken so much already—" He chokes on his words, letting out his emotions that he's kept bottled up inside. He's lost so many people he cared about. He can't lose her too and he gave the Colonel his word that he would make sure nothing happens to her.

"Take me instead...not her...give her back...please...wake up..." he broke down into tears, keeping his hand on her cheek without pressure. He was always gentle with her.

"Please..." he prayed again.

Sok'anya regained her consciousness, her eyes flutter open, meeting the recom's teary eyes "Devin...oh Mansk..." she wraps her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. Mansk hugs her back in relief, thank god she wasn't dead. That's what he thought at first.

"What is happening?" She asked.

"There's...a lot happening right now. So I'm getting you out of here. Sok, do you trust me?" He held her hands with gentleness.

Sok'anya took his hands and nods "I do. I trust you"

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