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Lyle brought Ignacia back to the group where she's supposed to be. Sok'anya cried in relief and ran to get her daughter from Lyle's arms. "Oh my baby! Thank you!" She hugged her baby and kissed her cheek.

"She followed me. I'm surprised she didn't get lost"

"Great mother is watching over her" Sok'anya combed the strains of hair from her daughter's face and pecked her forehead. "There's my naughty girl! You can't run off like that, understood?" Miles opened his hands out for his daughter.

Ignacia blinked at her father before giggling, reaching her arms out to him. Sok'anya smiled and hands her to her mate before looking over at Lyle, "Are you alright?" She had asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good now. I'm just...glad that she found me" Lyle says while looking at Ignacia who was currently grabbing her father's face and pinching his nose and slapping him.

As time flies by watching the kids grow, Spider had turned 18 years old and Ignacia had finally reached her twos. The toddler was very independent and she had just started to climb. She was still learning by the help of her mother and brother. Her verbal skills lagged behind her other abilities. Not being able to express her want and needs was frustrating. Her outbursts were terrible if she couldn't get what she wanted or if nobody understood what she was trying to say. She only felt anger and aggression when it came down to it.

Other than her terrible two tantrums, she was naughty as hell. The little one was already learning how to cuss. She probably picked up some cuss words from her father, Uncle Lyle and her uncle Lopez whenever he came to visit. They don't curse in front of her on purpose but it happens.

"Gimme!" The two year old demands her father.

"No, Ignacia" Miles told her sternly. She wanted to play with the flamethrower but for her safety and others he tells her no. Ignacia didn't like being told no.

"I want!" She whined again.

"No means no" This girl was testing his patience right now. He was currently praying to the gods not to whoop her ass.

"Bitch!" She yelled at him causing the whole group to gasp. Miles was taken back at her first cuss word. It was clear to their ears to what she just said.

"What did you just say young lady?!"

"BITCH!" She repeated as she proudly clapped her hands together. Sok'anya shook her head in disappointment and glared over at Miles. The recom chuckled lightly looking at his mate.

Yeah, I need to be careful about what I say around her.

Ignacia was always getting into their things and she loved seeing the grown ups reaction. "Hmm, where did my knife go?" Prager was digging in his duffel bag. "You didn't leave it anywhere else did you?" Ja asked. The fear of hearing a knife switched in the air, him and Ja turned around immediately seeing the toddler holding the shiny weapon in her hand looking at it with amazement. "Oooh" she looked over the blade.

"Oh shit..." Ja cursed before eyeing Prager that he was going to go the other way to retrieve the knife. Prager nodded before quickly looking back at the toddler.

"H-Hey Ignacia...hey cutie pie. Can you give back my knife? Uncle Andy needs it" Prager thickly swallowed as he took tiny steps towards the toddler.

"No! Mine!" She laughed before running off with his knife. "DAMMIT!" Prager cursed before chasing after her. Ignacia looked back at her uncle chasing her. She just wanted to play and all these things the Recoms had that didn't look like her toys she took interest in.

"Gotcha!" Ja came out from the bushes and grabbed her wrist still, taking the knife from her which made her scream. "No no Ignacia, mommy and daddy will kill us if he finds out that you had a knife"

"Mine! I want! Mine!" Ignacia made little grabby hands as she sobbed for the weapon. This gave Ja an idea. Later that day he actually carved a wooded knife for her. It wasn't sharp or pointy but it should keep her away from their belongings that are actually dangerous and harmful. It was her new favorite toy. She would even pretend that she was her role models, going hunting and slaying animals to eat.

Ignacia came across a mother and a few baby viperwolves. They make eye contact and the creatures growled at her but Ignacia growled back showing off the tiny fangs from her teeth as she stepped close to them causing the viperwolves to run away from her. This girl was not afraid of anything at all. Danger up ahead? Sounds fun.

Ignacia knew better not to go too far away from the pod. But the little one knew her way back home. If there's anything Ignacia had, it was a good memory. She can remember things from a year ago and not only that but nobody knew that she had some of her mother's memories from when she was in the womb.

When a couple of years had passed by, there's been no sign of the RDA. At least not yet. It still worried the Recoms that they will return again. Miles didn't want to spend all his worries on those bastards. He still had his friends and family, he was going to cherish every moment with them until he couldn't. Ignacia had turn seven years old, and Spider taught her how to shoot her own arrow. She almost had the target.

"It's not fair! I never get it!" Ignacia cried as she threw the bow on the ground harshly. Spider frowned as he kneeled down to her level. "Hey hey...it's okay. You're doing good. It takes practice, alright? You won't get it right away but you will"

"But I want to make the target! I hate missing!" The thing about Ignacia is that she wanted to do things perfectly and make no mistakes. She saw how everyone else do things without a mistake. She wanted to be like her mom, Dad, Brother, and the rest of her uncles and her auntie.

"It's okay to miss. You keep trying until you get it. And maybe you can teach other kids too, the Metkayinas"

Ignacia nodded her head "okay...I keep trying" she sniffled as she picked up her bow and arrow to try again. This time, she did make the target. Her bright yellow eyes sparkled with joy as she jumped up and down happily celebrating her success. "BROTHER I DID IT!" She cheered.

"You did! Good job!" Spider hugged his little sister. He was glad that he was able to encourage her and help her this far.

It's been a while since they went to visit the Sully's and their two Recom buddies. Sok'anya was a bit nervous about bringing her back to visit. Miles wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek "It'll be alright sweetheart. Look, I won't even look or talk to Sully. I'll stay my distance"

Sok'anya looked up at him "Promise? I don't want you fighting again. I can never forget about how he hurt you"

"Rest assured darlin' we're only staying a few days. I'll be on my best behavior"

// Honestly Idk when exactly I want these chapters to end but ain't nothing over yet. Maybe Chapter 70 will be the last one but we'll see. 🫣 Next chapter I'll add more fluff and then shit will go down.

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