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Miles had come across a familiar area in the jungle. He seemed to know which ways to go and where to turn. When he reached the end, he recognized the place. Right in front of him was the Marui. The barrier that him, Sok, Spider and the Recoms had built together. Everyone's stuff was still lying around like backpacks, a few weapons lying around that also included Mansk's hydra machine gun. Nothing really has changed around here.

Miles stepped inside the Marui and sees the half made basket that Sok was working on before they left that day. Thinking that they would come back. They would have came back here if the Bridgehead staff didn't pick up a radar on Sully's new whereabouts. Miles sat down and buried his head in between his knees.

I wish I could be here with you...with our son...and our baby...

His ears lifted up at a sound from not too far away. It sounded like someone stepping on a branch. He growls lowly as he looks around and spots a combat knife over by Walker's belongings. He quickly grabs it and stepped out of the Marui following where the sound was coming from. It could be a Na'vi or a creature but he knew he wasn't alone.

"Colonel?" He heard a voice behind him. Out of natural tendency, Miles turned around swinging his knife towards whoever decide to pop up behind him. The tall recom was pinned to the ground and his knife was out of his grip.

"COLONEL! STOP! ITS ME! CORPORAL WAINFLEET!" Lyle shouted keeping the man in place. Miles eyes widened and stopped struggling. "Lyle....you're..."

"Yes sir, I'm alive" Lyle stepped off of his superior and helps him up. "It's good to see too. I thought I was the only—" Lyle was pulled into a hug by Colonel which surprised him. "Uh...sir?" He asked as he awkwardly hugged back.

Miles was relieved that Wainfleet had survived. "Glad to see you here Marine. I thought I was the only one left too" He chuckles lightly before carefully shoving the bald man away from him. "How did you end up here?" He asked Lyle.

"I rode on Buttercup back to the forest...it's...the only place I know..." Lyle's ears flattened against his head. "I don't think I can go back to bridgehead either. Not after losing the lives of our teammates" Lyle was just as ashamed and saddened like Miles.

Miles sighed nodding his head, "Yeah...I ain't goin' back either. They can find Sully with or without us. General must be flippin' her shit right now. I asked her to give me a ship and now it sank. God...I...I can't believe I fucking—" He took a deep breath. "I-I failed again, Corporal and...I take full responsibility for what happened to our squad. They didn't deserve that. You don't deserve that Lyle"

"Um...that's nice sir but I'm not blaming you I mean...I feel just as guilty. I'm the one who ordered Prager and Zdog to take the top deck. They were the ones who...died first...by my command"

They did in fact die by his orders but they didn't know. Nobody knew how things were going to be that night. How much they were going to lose just for one hostile. None of them saw it coming, Jake was careful to sneak on that ship and his wife was there too.

Miles shook his head as he wrapped an arm around his neck "Well Lyle, it's just me and you..." they head back to their Marui.

On the helicopters, they flew out of Bridgehead. Ja, Mansk and Zdog sat together along with Girgis, Collison and Vermeiren while Prager and Lopez were in the other chopper with Chernov and Mizuno. They were an hour in a half away from Bridgehead now. They passed by the Pandora forest, Mansk lifted up his new sunglasses letting it sit in his forehead. He looks down below noticing the area. He remembers where they are, they would fly on their Ikrans all the time and explore the forest that way. This was their home. He looks leans back and looked over at Zdog.

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