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Sok'anya stayed with the Recoms that morning. Just catching up and talking about how her pregnancy has been going. She told them everything was fine and that her baby is due in a few months. It was a lie of course. She's been having a difficult pregnancy and it hasn't gotten any better. She didn't want them to worry about her. Everyone is excited for her especially Lopez since she decided on a Hispanic name. But what's killing him is that she wasn't going to reveal the baby's name until she's born.

"Oh come on mami! I wanna know so bad! After not seeing you for so long, you really aren't gonna tell us what her name will be?"

"Nope, it's a surprise" Sok tells him.

"You're not gonna tell your hubby?"

"He knows what it is"

"What?! Miles what is—"

Miles smirks in return, "I ain't telling either"

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Lopez whines.

Sok'anya laughs at them. She missed them so much. All their bickering and joking around. She hasn't really smiled or laughed this much ever since the battle.

"How is Spider doing?" Miles asked. Sok'anya frowns at his question about their son "Not very well. I encourage him to talk to you but he just needs a lot of space right now" She tells him.

As much as Miles wanted Spider to visit him, he remembers their last encounter and frowns. Yeah, the kid will need hella space but he would give him that space until he was ready. But he misses his son a lot and hopes that one of these days he will come around. That is if the chief and his mate spares him and the rest of the Recoms.

"Tsiona'ite, visit time is over" One of the guards told her. Sok'anya sighed before kissing Miles on the cheek, "I will come back later with food" Sok'anya gets up carefully with Alicia's help. "Take it easy girl, okay?" She tells her. "I will, thank you" Sok'anya smiles before taking her leave.

Miles frowns as he watches her leave. He wanted her to stay a bit longer. Lyle looks over at his friend and places a hand on his shoulder "She'll come back" he tells him. Miles nodded his head following with a sigh. He just wanted to hold her a while longer.

When Sok'anya made her way back to the village, Tonowari and his mate held a meeting with the rest of the clan about what to do with the Recoms. Sok'anya was passing by and over hears Jake, "They are dangerous to us! To our family! I don't want to risk giving them a chance to lie to us and get us all killed! Not happening!"

"We must end these demons!" The Metkayina man shouted along with the crowd demanding for execution for the Recoms. The chief looks over at his mate seeing how unsure she was about this situation. She doesn't interact with Sok'anya as much but that woman was shielding them, begging for their life, and stepped in front of an arrow for one of them even though she is pregnant. Ronal saw how much of a strong bond she had with those Recoms. She wanted to find out more if these guys had actually left their places to be with her.

Ronal, "The problem is that one of them is her mate. You know that she will not want that for them"

Jake shakes his head, "Ronal—it doesn't matter. This man-no this demon is the one—"

"I never called you such a thing when you made your way into our lives" Sok'anya arrived to the meeting. Everyone became silent as they looked over towards her direction. "You are the reason for hometree's destruction. I lost my parents and both of my siblings that day. Of course, Tawtute are the ones who killed them but it was all your fault you led them to us. You were just as dangerous the moment you showed up into our home"

Jake was lost for words. He didn't know what to say. Sok'anya continued, "Everyone seemed to just...forget about that. They welcomed you back after everything. They became the clan leader. I haven't forgotten anything. And I haven't forgotten the man who kidnapped me and my son. But I saw him change...I saw how much of an impact on him and his squad. They no longer serve the under the sky people"

"Sok, the way you feelin' towards these guys, that's not normal. Whatever they have done or said to you, it was all only to find me. Miles Quaritch can never change. He's done too much to my family and we lost Neteyam. I'm not letting that slide" Jake explains to her.

Neytiri, "Why beg for them? You cannot ask us to spare them and let them roam free as if they never have done anything to all of us!"

Sok'anya frowns as her hands placed on her tummy, "I-I'm not asking you guys to forget or let it go. I just...I do not want to spend the rest of my pregnancy without my mate...." She let out a sob. I'm going to die having this baby. I don't want to spend my last moments without him...without any of them.

Neytiri gritted her teeth preventing herself from hissing at the pregnant woman. Sok'anya looks at her "Please just give them a chance. If you and our people gave Jake a chance...give them one too. Please..." Sok'anya looks towards Tonowari and Ronal with pleading eyes. Ronal reached out for Tonowari's hand to hold as they make eye contact again. It was their way of communicating with each other without saying anything.

Tonowari looks back at the pregnant women and then the rest of the clan,"We will give Miles and his friends a chance. If they waste the chance that we give to them, they will be killed on the spot where they stand"

With the decision being made, Sok'anya eyes widened with relief. "T-Thank you!" She cried. This was very overwhelming for her but she was thankful that the chief and his mate are giving them a chance. The people were unsure of this but they respected what's to happen by the chiefs orders. They were looking forward to killing the enemies if any mistakes are made. Jake and Neytiri weren't happy about any of this. So they both decided to keep an eye on Quaritch. Jake knows that man more than anybody. He knows that this man is capable of many things. If Sok claimed that he's changed, he wanted to see it for himself. Neytiri hated this just as much, she will make sure that she will be the one to kill Quaritch.

Spider was currently sitting by the shore watching the water waves. A lot was wrapping around his head. Like how his father and the rest of the Recoms are actually here. They actually found them. They are in prison but he couldn't help but wonder if this was all a trick or if they really came for him and his mother.

What Spider is unaware of is Lo'ak trying to find him. Aonung, Rotxo and Tsireya are following him trying to get him to calm down. "Lo'ak, you are angry. You do not need to see him right now!" Tsireya tries to grab his arm but he moves his arm away from her reach. "Lo'ak!" She cried out to him.

"Tsireya, go find his sisters! They will stop him. He will not listen to us!" Aonung tells her while Rotxo still trying to get Lo'ak to stay put. "You need to stop and think!" Rotxo tells him.

It wasn't too long till Lo'ak had spotted the human boy sitting alone at shore, he made his way towards him. He didn't care how hard or how rough he shoved Rotxo and Aonung away. He needed to get to Spider. He wasn't in control of his mind. To Lo'ak, he needed to take action, express his feelings to the boy who he thought was his friend. He is also forgetting that he is much bigger than Spider.

"YOU!" Lo'ak yelled making Spider get up from the sand immediately with fear in his eyes. "It seems like you and your mom got what you wanted! You saved that bastard and now he's here! This is what I was fucking afraid of! I'm going to lose everything again and it's all going to be because of you!" Lo'ak had lifted Spider off the ground shaking him harshly, he had the same anger in his eyes like his own mother. "I WISH IT WAS YOU NOT HIM!" He yelled before his sisters grabbed onto his arms

"LO'AK! PUT HIM DOWN!" Kiri cried as she tried peeling his fingers off of Spider.

"Let him go! Please!" Tuk sobbed while trying to help.

Lo'ak growled as he tossed Spider onto the ground. What brought him back to his senses was the sound of the crack coming from Spider. He looks down seeing Rotxo and Aonung turning the human over onto his back.

Spider's mask broke. Lo'ak broke his mask.

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