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"ZHANG!" The team cried out.

Zhang stumbled backwards a little bit and touched the wound in his chest that stains his blue fingers...red. The recom collapsed in Fike's arms and carefully brought him to the ground. Ja rushes quickly ran to his side to examine the wound, he tried putting pressure on it with all he had but he knew that Don wouldn't make it. "G-Guys...I don't wanna die again..." Zhang coughs out blood. Lopez kneeled by his side too and held his hand "Ay man stop choking on your ketchup...you gonna be alright. Look at me okay? Keep 'em eyes open" Lopez tries to joke with his colleague but only broke down in tears as his ears fell.

"S-Stay with us! Please!" Walker sobs as Zdog cries hugging her from behind with her face buried with her back. Ja's breathing picks up as the blood leaked through the cloths. Too much blood, he was losing so much.

"I..." Zhang's eyes closed as his body became cold and the grip around Victor's hand loosen. Sok'anya's eyes began to water as the recom that she barely gotten to know had died in front of her and Spider. She will remember Zhang's kindness towards her.

Eywa...please take care of him.

"Come on man...wake up. Zhang!" Fike gently slaps his hand against the side of his cheek. Ja was motionless as he saw his colleague's last moments. They had lost Zhang twice now. There's no guarantee that General will bring him back now. Lopez sat there shaking his head in denial. Prager looks away from the scene and into the distance as his vision was covered by the tears in his eyes.

While Warren stood there in shock as he drops his gun. He didn't mean to shoot Zhang. "No...no...he wasn't supposed—fuck!" He yelled in anguish. In anger, Brown took out his RDA knife "I-I'm gonna fucking kill you motherfucker!" Brown was about to charge at Warren before hearing a loud roar. Everyone froze in there position at the sound.

"W-What the hell was that?" Fike asked out loud as he held Zhang's body close to him. "Palulukan" Said Sok'anya as she sank down to touch the ground. The creature was close by and there's more than one.

"Thanator" Lyle tells Fike.

"Oh shit" Fike's eyes widened. Ja tried picking up Zhang. He wasn't going to leave his body here. Zhang died the first time and they had to leave him. He didn't want to do that again.

"Thanator—Is that some sort of fucking dinosaur?!" Brown asked as he forgets about attacking Warren, they were ALL going to get fucked up soon by something else much greater and dangerous. Shortly, the group is surrounded by three Thanators roaring at them.

Miles could think of one thing. "Everyone on a count of three...one...two...three! MOVE YOUR ASSES!" Miles yelled as they all dashed off in different directions.

Sok'anya had carried Spider and ran quickly through the trees. Her heart was beating fast at the fear of her and Spider being attacked. But she couldn't let that fear take over. She wants to live and she wants Spider to live too. His life has been in her hands since the moment she took him as her own. She had to look for place to hide. To keep him safe. She could feel herself getting exhausted. She pushes forward, she couldn't give out yet.

Please great mother...give me strength...

She came across a waterfall and puts Spider down as she quickly looks back at the Thanator coming their way. "Spider, we need to jump! Are you with me?!" She held his hands in hers. Spider nods as he looks up at his mother. The kid wasnt scared. As long as he had his mother he knows they will be alright. As the Thanator reached the edge, the mother and son had already jumped down into the water.

Miles, Lyle and Devin had already gotten away from one of Thanators. Now, they were off to look for Sok and Spider. "That kid still got that tracker on right?" Wainfleet asked. "Yeah, looks like...they are by the waterfall. Let's hurry" The trio made their way to them.

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