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"Have you seen Ma Jake?"

"I have not seen Jake Sully" Tonowari looked at her with worry. "Is something wrong?" The chief asked as he saw Neytiri place a hand resting on the side of her forehead.

"Sok'anya said that her mate is gone too. I am worried that something is happening"

Sok'anya placed a hand on her hip in distress "Where could he be?" she mumbled before sticking her hand out to her side "Ignacia, let's go back to the—Ignacia?!" She looked down, around her, and behind her. "IGNACIA!" She screamed out for her daughter.

Prager and Alicia's ears lifted up at the sound of Sok'anya screaming which made them leave their pods and rush outside. "Sok! What's wrong?!" Lopez and Mansk came outside towards the shore. "My baby...she was...she was right here...I swear..." the woman's hands started shaking against her chest that was pounding rapidly. It was hard for her to calm her breathing.

"Hey hey hey...we will look for her, okay?" Mansk held her by both of shoulders. "She didn't go in the water did she?" He asked.

"She doesn't like the water...she wouldn't..." She sobbed as she covered her mouth.

Lopez placed a hand on her arm "Hey mamas, calm down, I can see her tiny feet print in the sand let's follow it and see where she ran off to"

Ignacia was walking around with her Ikran toy. She held it in the air making it fly the way her parents Ikrans would in the sky. She entered the jungle area while her tail wags side to side. Happily playing on her own since she got bored of playing with Kesone who wanted to play in the water. She liked playing on land more.

She heard grunting not too far away and curiously follows the sound and sees her Dad and Uncle Jake fighting. Ignacia recalled this exact scene. It wasn't her own memory but it was her mother's. These two had fought before. She didn't understand why but she could sense the anger between the two men. The one year old clutched her toy against her chest as she began to feel anxiety watching them swing their knives at each other. "Dada...dada..." The toddler flinched at the sight of Jake making a cut across her dad's hip. Miles hissed in pain as he shakily fell on one of his knees.

"DADA!" She burst out crying as she ran to them. Miles was getting exhausted from the knife fight and his vision became blurry but when he had heard a familiar voice calling out for him. His eyes widened seeing that his daughter had got in between them.

Jake was satisfied seeing how weak this recom became during their fight. All Jake could think about was how he wanted this man to disappear. He truly wanted this guy dead after everything he's done to Pandora, to his family, to Neteyam and to the people here. He was tired of seeing this man walk around. Jake couldn't believe this man has a family now. In the heat of the moment, Jake wanted to take that all away from him so he would know how it feels to truly lose something important than losing against him.

But how could he?

"DADA!" The toddler stood in front of her dad and started screaming and crying at Jake. It was the only way she could express herself. She started babbling to him. The poor girl was angry and stressed out seeing the aggressive behavior the two men had with each other just now.



Jake gritted his teeth, tossing his knife aside as Lyle shoved Jake away "Take a step back man" He points to him before facing his attention to Miles. "Oh dude..." He looked down at his wound. Ja quickly took out his medic bag and sets it on the ground digging through it for bandages. Luckily it wasn't deep.

Miles cleared his throat "G-Guys I'm fine—look don't be mad at him. I...I asked for this"

"Oh yeah? Well, you're a fucking idiot. Both of you knuckleheads would've end up killing each other" Lyle spat. It was a bit shocking because Lyle would never talk back to the man he called Colonel. But this man was his best friend and he was upset that he wanted this from Jake. Sok'anya hugged her daughter tightly as she stayed by Miles' side. She anxiously watches Ja patch up his wound.

Neytiri went over to Jake, she wanted to pluck his eyeballs out so bad "Ma Jake, what are you thinking? What if you gotten hurt? My sister's child come here, one of you could have hurt her!"

Jake looked over at the child hugging her mother and frowned. He went over to pick up his knife and puts it back in his holster before approaching Miles but Mansk and Lopez stepped in his way "Ay amigo...you both need a time out" Lopez tells him and Mansk just stared at Jake making sure he didn't try anything to get to Miles.

Jake still got a glance at Miles and spoke up, "Family is a wonderful thing anyone could ever have. I really do hope that you can protect them" It would fucking suck if you lost any of them just how I lost my son. And with that, Jake walked away with his mate.

Miles was brought back to the Marui to rest. He was still awake but he laid there thinking about his knife fight with Jake and then how his daughter appeared to stop them. It made him almost have a heart attack. He was relieved that she wasn't hurt. The toddler yawned, Ignacia was currently sleeping next to her dad with a leg over his chest.

Sok'anya had came back with some fish to make for dinner tonight. She looked over at the father and daughter and smiled softly. She goes over to lay down next to them. Miles welcomed her with an open arm. His mate snuggled up against him and looked down at the bandage around his hip and frowned "Ma Miles..."

"Yes, love?"

"How come—is it true? Did you really ask Jake to fight you?"

"I did. I didn't provoke him or anything. It was an offer I was willing to make"


"Well I..."

"Did you think of us when you were asking him?"

Miles was silent. In all honesty, his family didn't cross his mind. He didn't know why either but the fact that Jake hated his guts bothered him a lot. He wished that he knew earlier on that the RDA are the ones he should be fighting against, not Jake. Miles didn't want to be his friend or anything of that sort. He knows what he's done can never be forgivable but the RDA has plans for this planet and he knows what they are capable of.

"Miles...look at me"

Miles turned his head towards his mate. Sok'anya smiled as she cupped his face and kisses him on the lips "There he is..." she giggled lightly before clearing her h to throat to get serious. "Miles...listen to this, Jake will not forgive you or view you as one of his allies. But I am certain...that one of these days, when the worst comes you two will need each others help. You guys cannot keep on fighting each other. Isnt it getting boring?"

Miles eyes soften at her words. He thought about every word carefully and nodded his head as he pressed his forehead against hers.

She's right, Sully and I will come around and work together one of these days...

We've saved each other when we didn't have to but we did. There must've been a reason for why we decided to saved one another...

That time...I did say my daughter comes first...

But when I saw this man struggling I saw that would be me if the RDA caught my ass...

I would want someone to save me too. I can't be away from my family...they need me.

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