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Sok'anya finds herself in the lab. She looks around and calls out for anyone but the place was empty. She didn't expect to hear a baby crying. She tilts her head as she made her way down the hallway. When she made a right turn, she saw a baby crying in his crib.

It was Spider as a baby. He had his dark blonde natural curls. His big brown eyes were teary, puff underneath from crying and his tiny hands shook the bars. The poor boy was alone and wanted someone to hold him. So Sok'anya picks him up and held him close which made him stop crying. His little hands reached for one of the strands of her braids and just held onto it.

"Oh Spider...." Sok'anya leans down and peck him on the forehead. "I will never leave you alone, my child"

Her eyes fluttered open meeting the stars above her. She turns her head seeing Spider curled up next to her. She was a bit startled by Lyle's loud snoring not too far away and rolls her eyes before sitting up with a painful gasp making her lay back down.

"Woah Woah...easy darlin" Miles sat next to her to check her bandages and sighs in relief "You take it easy. You've been out for at least three hours now" He tells her. Thank great mother it wasn't three days.

"Is...is anybody hurt...?" Sok'anya asked before carefully sitting up this time "Nah, we're good. Mansk was the one who helped Spider get back to camp" Miles looks at her. "I-I'm glad Spider is safe. I must thank him in the morning" a smile formed across Sok'anya's lips.

Hesitantly, Miles took her hand in his own "Sok..." The Na'vi woman met his gaze "Miles?" She asked waiting for him to continue his sentence. She could hear his heartbeat. She knows what he wanted to tell her but why was he afraid?

Miles shook his head "Fuck....I can't-" he looks away from her.

"Hey" Sok'anya cup his cheek and turns him facing her again "Do not listen to your head. Listen here..." She placed her palm against his chest. "Listen to your heart" she tells him. They met each others eyes again and they don't even notice how close they are face to face. In fact, both might've not cared how close they are.

"I thought I lost you" Miles admits as he rest his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes as the image of her bleeding in his arms came back to him. He was so scared for her. He told himself not to get close but it's too late for that.

"But you did not lose me" Sok'anya tells him. He opens his eyes seeing her smile. That pure beauty of a smile that he wanted to see on her face for so long.

Soon, Miles pressed his lips against hers as his hand found a way underneath her braids and pulls her closer to him. Sok'anya melts into his kiss and wraps her arms around his neck. He's longed for this to happen. To have her this close to him and to feel her lips on his.

"Thank fucking finally..." At the corners of their eye they heard Lopez who turns the other way which made the two move away in embarrassment. Miles clears his throat and chuckles lightly as his fingers touched his lips. Sok'anya blushes with her head looking in another direction after sharing the kiss with Miles.

"You should um...get some rest princess. You're still recovering. I don't wanna break ya" Miles smirks which made her tilt her head in confusion.

"Y'all is nasty"

"Lopez, hit the hay"

"I'm TRYING" Lopez pulls the blankets over his head making Sok giggle as she lays back down on the pillow. Quaritch lays down and opens his arms out to her "Come here" And with that, Sok'anya happily scoots next to him.

The next morning, Miles and Sok are cuddled together underneath the blankets. Sok'anya had her face buried in his chest and Miles had his chin on top of her head. Everyone was awake at this point and where turning glances at them time to time. Spider didn't mind how close he had become with everyone especially Quaritch. He knows this man technically isn't his father but he felt like he had someone else other than his mom to look up to. Maybe all the days they've spent with this man and his squad had started to rub on them. Spider felt like they were changing them for the good and getting their minds off Jake.

I SEE NOW; Miles Quaritch X Na'vi! Fem Where stories live. Discover now