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(Callie's POV)

When I woke up from my nightmares, I could feel two beating eyes staring at me, causing me to swing my arm in fright. When I turned to look who it was, it was my little sister Sophia. Looking directly at me with fear in her eyes.

" I'm sorry, Soph. I didn't mean to scare you, little bug. " I told her softly. Sophia was a meek little thing. She resembled our mother very much. Blonde hair, brown eyes, small figure. She couldn't hurt a fly even if she could.

" You were whimpering in your sleep again. " Sophia mentioned, I could hear the worry from her voice. I only sat up and smiled a half smile as I ruffled her hair.

" It's just a nightmare little bug. " I told her. My body was sore from the way I slept. " Nightmares go away. " I added. 

" It's because of him? Isn't it? " Sophia asked. A moment of silence filled the room as I thought of a way to change the subject.

" Is there a reason you're here? " I questioned her. Normally, Sophia wouldn't come into my room unless something was up or if she had gotten a nightmare in the middle of the night, which was common.

" Dad and mom said we have to leave the city. " explained Sophia. I looked at her with confusion. Why would we have to leave the city? What has Ed done this time? Is he taking us somewhere no one will find us?

" Why? Are we going on a trip? " I asked her. She only shrugged her shoulders.

" They wouldn't say. They just said to wake you up and pack whatever we could. Can you help me pack? "

Confusion surged through me as I wondered why we needed to leave in a hurry. I gave my little sister a nod as I got up to help her pack.

Her room was a typical 12 year old room, pink wallpaper, stars on the ceiling, stuffed animals everywhere. This used to be my room when I was her age, until I had thrown a fit about having to share one with her when she was old enough and Ed had to change his office into a bedroom.

Sophia had set her pink suitcase on her bed. It was still filled with the clothes that mom had packed the day we had left. " Did they say where we were going? " I asked her. To no avail, they didn't say anything. Making it harder for me to help her.

I made sure to pack something to keep her wram and something just in case the weather gets hot. Along with a few other essentials. " What about my stuffed animals? I can't fit all of them in there. " whined, Sophia.

" Well, I'm not sure where we are going. How about this, pick one stuffed animal that can fit in your suitcase and then we can put two more in mine. " I compromise with her.

" Definitely, Mr. Whiskers. " claimed Sophia. Mr. Whiskers was a little stuffed kitten that I had bought for her tenth birthday. Unfortunately, it gave Sophia an unhealthy obsession over kittens.

Soon enough, we were able to pack what we could. Though as soon as we were about to leave the house, I felt a familiar set of hands on my shoulder, causing me to freeze.

" Take this. " said my father's voice. " Hide it, and tucked it into your back pocket. The safety is on. " he whispered as I felt him hand me a gun. " We need to protect ourselves. Don't let your mother see it. " He said.

I just did as I was told and tucked the pistol into my back pocket and covered it with my shirt before I followed them into the car. Sophia already had a bunch of questions.

" We're just going on a little road trip. I'm sure we will be back soon. " Our mother continued to assure her. Outside, families were rushing each other to get out of town. We couldn't understand what was going on.

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