Chapter 48

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『Callie's POV』

When morning came the next day, Callie was too busy helping Lucy and Bob with the sick as they recovered. Thanks to the medicine, everyone was recovering very well.

After she had checked on Sasha, the girl went to check on Lizzy. Worried about the girl she and her mother had taken in.”Lizzy? “ called out Callie as she entered Lizzy's cell, right next to Glenn's.

After she had gotten permission to enter, Callie walked inside. Only to see the girl still reading Tom Sawyer. “Are you still reading that?” Callie asked with a small smile.

“Hershel said so.” claimed Lizzy only for Callie to give the young girl a smile.

“How's your fever?” Callie asked as she felt her forehead. It wasn't warm, which was a good sign.

“It was gone by this morning. Has Carol come back?” Lizzy asked. In which Callie didn't have an answer for the little girl. She hadn't seen her mother since she and Rick went on a supply run.

“No. She hasn't come to see you at all?” Callie questioned, only for Lizzy to shake her head no.

“Hey Glenn!?” Callie called out to the man from the cell next to them.

“Yeah Cal? “ Glenn called out.

“Have you seen my mother at all? Has she come to visit anyone? Even Sasha? “ she asked, remembering that Tyreese had asked the two of them to check in on Sasha while he went with the others to get the medicine.

“No.” Replied Glenn.

“Is Rick back?” She asked.

“I think so.”

Callie soon found herself leaving Lizzy's cell, making her way towards the exit of the block to the main cell block. She could hear faint whispering up on the higher deck as she made her way inward. Only to stand at the bottom of the stairs, listening to Rick's and Daryl's conversation.

“She's gonna be alright. She has a car, supplies, and weapons. She's a survivor. “ claimed Rick. Callie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did Rick really exile her own mother? She couldn't help but glare at the man, but luckily for her they didn't notice her yet.

“Stop saying it like you don't believe it.” declared Daryl, Callie was almost thankful she wasn't the only one upset about her mother. The girl knew her mother and Daryl had developed a special bond.

Callie stayed quiet as she continued to listen to the men's conversation. Her hands gripped the stairwell.

“Man that's her, but that ain't her. “ continued Daryl. “What are we going to do with her girls? Who's gonna tell Callie?”

“I told her that we would look after them. “ claimed Rick.

“I haven't told Tyreese yet or Callie. I'm not sure–.” began the sheriff, but Callie interrupted them by slamming her bat against the stairwell, causing a loud enough bang that it almost spooked the two men as they stared back at her in silence.

She gave them both a cold stare before she walked away. Making her way towards hers and Thomas’ tower, she didn't stop climbing until she got to the top and began packing.

“Why are you packing?” came Thomas’ voice.

“I'm going after her. “ claimed Callie, determined to find her mother.

“Oh? They told you?” replied Thomas as he scratched the side of his head. Only for Callie to angrily turn around and give him a glare.

“You knew!? You knew and you didn't tell me!?”’ she shouted frustrated, there wasn't anything that Callie hated more than when someone kept a secret from her.

“My father told me as soon as we got back with the medicine” responded Thomas only to anger Callie even more as she pounded her fist in his chest. Though Thomas was determined to reason with Callie, the girl wasn't having it.

“What if I killed them!? Huh!? What if I killed them? What would you have done?” shouted Callie. At that moment, she wanted to confess her sins, too. The fact that she had helped her mother kill two of their own. But her mother's words still haunted her.

"If anyone finds out or if anything happens, don't say anything. I'll handle everything."

All of a sudden, their arguing was cut short when they heard an explosion ducking for cover. “What was that?” Callie asked Thomas, her heart pounding.

“I'm not sure.” claimed Thomas as he looked around. Their attention soon turned to the door when Merle had come running up. 

“It's The Governor. He's back. He has Mihconne and Hershel as hostages.” explained Merle out of breath.

“The Governor’s back?” Callie questioned.

“Yeah come on! “ claimed Merle as he motioned for them to follow him.

Both Thomas and Callie quickly grabbed their weapons and headed downstairs. Gathering with the others outside. But before they reach them, Callie stopped Thomas.

“We gotta get Lou.Get the girls. “ she told him quietly.

“We will. We will.” Thomas promised her as they all lined up at the gate.


Thomas’ POV

Thomas stood at the entrance of the gate at the prison with everyone else, watching as Rick walked down to the fence to speak with the governor. The same man he had hated the last year for what he had done to Callie.

But most importantly, Thomas hoped Rick would be able to save Michonne and his dad. He stood behind his sisters, holding their hands as they watched Rick and the Governor talk. Secretly, I'm taking a gun from Daryl and Merle. Preparing for whatever could happen next, his eyes never left his father's.

But Thomas stood in horror as he and his little sisters were forced to watch as The Governor swung Michonne's sword into his father's neck, tears poured down his cheek as he watched his father fall to the ground.

The next thing he knew, bullets were flying from each side. Thomas used his gun to kill a few of the governor's men. Watching as the tank, they had run over their fence.

“I'm out of ammo!” Claimed Beth 

“GO!Head for the bus! I'll cover you!“ Thomas yelled at Maggie and Beth as he covered them on the bus. Only for him to shield their bodies as  an explosion hit.

“Glenn's in there. I gotta go get him! “ yelled Maggie.

“I'll go get him. You get in this bus with Beth. “ he ordered. But both his sisters were determined not to get separated. 

“You stay with her!” He yelled at Maggie as he rushed inside,being followed by Callie.

“Glenn! Lou!? “ yelled, Callie.

“What's going on?” Lucy asked.

“ We gotta get everybody out of here! “ warned Thomas just as they all ran for cover as another explosion hit the roof of the cell and quickly ran to the bus 

“Beth!? Maggie!? “ yelled Thomas as he looked onto the bus, only for his sisters not to be there.

“Where did they go?” Callie demanded.

“They went to go find Judith! “ claimed one of the women. Before Thomas could even think about leaving to search for his sisters, Lucy quickly bolted out of the bus.


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