Chapter 2

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"How'd ya'll get out there anyway?" Shane questioned Glenn.

" The new guy. Helped us get out."

"New guy?"Shane questioned.

"Yeah crazy guy just got out of town." replied Morals before he turned to the  supply van.

" Hey, helicopter boy. Come meet everybody!"

A man that was tall with dark hair in a sheriff's uniform came got out of the van and started walking towards everyone. He seemed good-looking, too. But Callie knew he had to be about Shane's age.

Everyone's attention soon turned to Carl when he started running towards the man. Shocking everyone to learn that the man that saved them was Carl's father. The very one that Shane said died when the world fell.

" I thought you said he died?" Callie questioned a stunned Shane as they watched Rick hug his family.

" H-He did. Hi-his heart stopped." claimed Shane. Callie gave Shane a small look. Unsure whether or not to believe him as she knew how he felt about Lori.

But Shane didn't give her a reason not to believe him either. Since she wasn't there when it happened.

" I believe you." Callie responded.

"Thank you." Shane replied as the two gave each other a small nod of respect.

A few hours have gone by, and everyone was gathered around the campfire that night. Callie was sitting next to Glenn as Rick told everybody how he felt when he woke up. Saying he felt fear but mostly disoriented.

Callie didn't blame him. She would have felt the same way if she had been in a coma for that long and woke up to the world being a shit show.

But nethertheless she was happy for Carl as she knew that it had been hard the past few months with him believing his father to be dead and then the world died.

" I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane. Words can't express it. " Rick told Shane.

However, their attention turned to her father when they heard a log being dropped down. Callie looked over to see he had started another fire.

" Wanna rethink that log?" Shane called out to him as he sat down.

"It's cold."

"Cold doesn't apply to the rules. We can't risk being seen from the distance." Shane replied, annoyed by her father. Callie felt the same way, too.

"I said it's cold." replied Ed, not seeming to care in the world.

" Why does he have to be a prick?" Callie whispered to Glenn, who just shrugged his shoulders.

" What was that?" He called out to her. But Callie only shrugged as an answer.

"Nothing." she mumbled.

" Why don't you be a dear and go get me a beer from our tent." He ordered. Callie sighed a tiny bit as she got up, but Glenn softly reached for her hand to stop her.

" You don't have to do what he says. " he gently told her with a concern look in his eyes. Glenn was the only one Callie had ever told about her father's abuse. But she was pretty sure the others knew about it, too.

Callie gave Glenn a blank stare before she looked back over at her mother and little sister before looking back at Glenn.

"Kinda have to." She responded before she went into her family's tent and came back with a beer. Before shoving it aggressively into her father's hands.

" Here's your damn beer. Why don't you listen to Shane and put that fire out." Callie retorted. 

"Why don't you just sit next to your little boyfriend over there and mind your own damn business." Her father retorted as he started to sip his beer.

"I told you, he's not my boyfriend."

This caused Shane to get up and walk over. "Do we really need to have this discussion? " Shane asked him, giving Ed a small glare.

Ed returned the same glare before he looked up at her mother. " Go on. Put it out." He ordered, causing Callie to roll her eyes as she watched her mother and Shane put out their fire.

Shane kneeled down in front of her mother and sister. " How are you two doing tonight? " He asked before he proceeded to invite them over to the others. 

"We're doing just fine." Callie listened to her mother as she apologized to Shane for Ed's actions.

When Shane wasn't able to get them to be on board. He walked away.

" Thank you for your cooperation, Ed. "

"Next time, try and not be a douchbag." Callie told her father as she kicked some dirt nesr her father before walking over to Sophia, ushering her to get up. But also wanting her to get away from him.

"Come on, little bug, it's past your bedtime. "

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