Chapter 14

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(Thomas's POV)

"You shouldn't have said that to Otis. " My sister said as we rushed, putting on the saddles on the horses.

Queenie nudged me with her nose from her stall as I saddled up Nelly, obviously wanting to go with. But I knew she was too pregnant to do anything.

"Sorry, girl. You can't come. I'll have Bethy come look after you. " I told her. Queenie was my horse. She was one of the last foals that my mother's horse had.

" I know. I just-I just lost my anger at him. I'm sorry. " I apologize.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Otis when we all get back. " Maggie replied.

Before we knew it, we went off. Riding into the direction that they had come from. We stopped for a moment to take in our surroundings. 

That was when we heard it, a woman screaming for help. Both her and I kicked our horses' sides, and we took off in that direction.

I watched as Maggie hit one of the sick off a blonde woman. Quickly jumping down from Nelly, I helped the frightened woman up.

"Lori? Mrs. Lori Grimes? " I asked.

" I'm Lori. " called out another woman's voice, this one was brunette.

"There's been an accident. Carl's been shot. But he's still alive. We need to hurry, though. "

Callie's POV

Everyone had made their way back to camp when suddenly Andrea was saved from a walker by two strangers. Both were about Glenn's and mine age.

"Woah. " Glenn mumbled under his breath, seemingly impressed by the girl knocking down the walker.

Lucky shot. I thought to myself.

"Now hold on. You can't go with them. We don't know them. " claimed Daryl.

"You think we wouldn't come out here and just say her son's been shot? " said the boy.

As much as I knew Daryl was right. I couldn't let Lori go off with two complete strangers.

"Look. I'll go with her. You head back to camp. " I said as the boy helped Lori onto his horse.

Meanwhile, I grabbed Maggie's wrist to haul myself up onto hers. "Rick said you got others on the highway. That big traffic snarl?  "

"Yeah. Two more. " I replied.

"Backtrack it to Fairburn road. Two miles down is our farm. The mailbox says Greene. " said the girl, and before I knew it, we all took off.

It wasn't long until we all showed up at a beautiful farmhouse. Rick and an old man meet us outside.

Both Lori and I got down before the boy and girl did. I couldn't help but hold my tears as I watched them crying into each other shoulders.

We all then walked back inside and went into the room where Carl was. I couldn't bear to see the sight of him on the bed, bleeding out. I had to get some fresh air, so I walked back outside to the porch.

Glenn's POV

The others decided that I should take T-Dog to the farmhouse. I didn't want to go. But I had no choice.

It didn't take T-Dog, and I long till we reached the farm. We parked Carol's Cherokee on the grass next to a tree and stood as we watched for some movements, despite there being lights on.

"Think we should ring the doorbell? " T-Dog asked.

"Well, it looks like some people live here. " I replied as we made our way towards the porch.

Once we got there, the same woman from before was sitting in a chair.

"Uh, hey. It's uh, nice to meet you again.  We meet just uh briefly.  " I said nervously.

"Did you close the gate after you made your way in? " she asked.

"Yeah. We uh, we closed it and  all. " I answered before she looked at T-dog's arm with a worried expression.

"Oh. It's not a bite. I wasn't bitten. I cut it pretty badly, though. " explained T-dog.

" Come on. Better get that stitched up. I'll make you something to eat. " she said and led us inside.

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