Chapter 44

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『Thomas’ POV』

The group stood outside The Big Spot, a store that wasn't far from prison. It was our normal place to do supply runs, we haven't been there for three days and decided to check on it again.

The group listened as Daryl explained why the fences were up, explaining that it was the army who put it up in order to protect the people before it got abandoned. 

“Give a listen.” I told Bob as he asked if they just left.

“You drew them, out?” Michonne asked.

“Put a boombox out there three days ago.”I explained to her. “Hook it up to two car batteries.” added Glenn. 

“Alright. Let's make a sweep.” said Daryl as he led the charge. Normally,  I would lead the supply runs, but this was Daryl's run.

“Grab what you can, tomorrow we will come back with more people.” Daryl called out.

As we made our way closer to the entrance, we split the team up, Glenn led the other half to a different entrance while Zach, Michonne, Daryl, and I hung out at the front.

I pounded on the window to draw some walkers out.

“Just give it a second.”  said Daryl, who sat on the window seal. Only for Zach to let out a small chuckle.

“Okay I think I got it. “ he claimed. Zach had looked up to Daryl since Day 1 and was always trying to guess what he did before the fall. But the group knew what he and Merle really did.

“Got what?” Michonne asked.

“I've been trying to figure out what Daryl did before the turn. “ claimed Zach.

“He's been asking for like, what, six weeks?” Daryl claimed.

“I'm pacing myself. “ claimed Zach. “One shot a day. “

“Alright, shoot.”

“Well the way you are at the prison. You are on the council, being able to tracks. You're helping people, but your still being kind of…” began Zach.

Better watch what comes out of your mouth next, kid. I thought to myself.

“Surely.” finished Zach. “Big swing here. Homicide cop.” he added, causing both Michonne and I to let out a small laugh.

“What's so funny?” questioned Daryl.

“Nothing. It makes perfect sense.” claimed Michonne and I as we both exchange a glance.

“Actually, man's rights. Undercover.” claimed Daryl.

Now come on, man, don't get to over your head. I thought.

“Really?” Questioned Zach, surprised he guessed it. Though both Michonne and I knew he was just fooling the kid.

“Okay. I'll just keep guessing. I guess. “ claimed Zach.

We all got up from the window when we noticed a few walkers came up to it from the inside. Growling and scrapping the windows.

“We’re gonna do this detective?” I asked Daryl as we headed for the door.

“Let's do this.” claimed Daryl.

One by one, we took clear of the walkers inside before we met up with the others.

『Bri's POV』

After meeting up with the others from the inside of the store, we all swept through to make sure there were no other walkers inside.

I grabbed my cart and followed Glenn around the store as we looked around. Filling our cart with whatever we found useful. We both found some digital cameras, looked at each other, and shrugged before putting them in our personal bags.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of glass shattering and Bob screaming, causing the group to quickly run over to see him underneath a shelf of liquor.

“You alright? You cut something?” asked Daryl aa he shined his flashlight.

“No. But my foot is caught on something.” claimed Bob I helped Daryl,Glenn, and Tyresse put the shelf back up.

Listening as he explained how he got stuck. Apparently, he steered the cart too fast and steered it into the drinks.

All of a sudden, part of the ceiling came loose, and a walker got stuck on some wires. “We better get going.” I claimed, having a funny feeling in my chest that this run may not end so smoothly.

“Bob's still stuck. Let's get him out of there quick. “ claimed Thomas as we all were about to help him out. More walkers collapsed through the ceiling, causing everyone else to fight them off.

I used as little bullets as I could before grabbing my huge knife from my bag and started spinning their heads, left and right. “We gotta get Bob! “ I yelled as I continued to kill a few walkers.

Both Zach and Daryl rushed over to free the guy, but not before Zach got bit on the leg by a walker. We all watched in horror as Zach got demolished by it.

“Zach! “ I yelled going forward, but Glenn and Thomas stopped me, forcing me to follow them out just before a helicopter collapsed on top with Zach inside.


『Lucy's POV』

Both Carl and I had to tell the other children not to name the walkers outside the fence. Though Lizzy claimed they were still human and that one of them had a name tag.

Afterward, I helped Carl and his dad Rick with the pigs outside. Carl and I had both named the piglets’ mother Violet, though I had named one of her children Charlotte.

“Are you coming to story time later?” I asked Carl, hoping he would agree so Daryl can convince Thomas and Callie to let me apprentice under Dr. S.

“Maybe.” claimed Carl. But I knew he probably wasn't going to.

“Aunt Carol's reading Denim Dreams again.” I told him. It was one of my favorites. Though I've always managed to sneak in and listen to Beth and Bri read Judith Charlotte's web.

“Maybe later. I gotta babysit Judith.” claimed Carl, only to disappoint me.

“Yeah. Maybe we can catch up on some comic books with Patrick. Michonne found some pretty cool ones.” I suggested only to get a nod from Carl as I was forced to watch him walk away.

Sighing I tiny bit, I made my way towards the library to join the rest of the children for story time. Though it was really Carol teaching us how to use knives for protection. I didn't think it was right for her to hide it from Rick or the others. But I knew she wanted us kids to be safe.

Once Lizzy's and Mika's dad left, Luke went on to watch for anyone else coming. I helped Carol bring out the knife box.

It wasn't until Patrick who claimed he wasn't feeling well, not wanting to throw up on anyone. Carol dismissed him as I took out a knife to show the others how to handle it, as Carol explained.

It wasn't until we saw Carl making his way over and peeking out from one of the shelves that we stop. “Please don't tell your dad. “ Carol asked him only for Carl to leave upset.

“I'll talk to him. “ I told her after I rushed after him.

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