Chapter 29

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『Callie's POV』

It wasn't until I heard the petrified screams of Lucy waking me up when I released that I wasn't in fact in a dream and that the Greene farm didn't get overrun by monsters or that Sophia had died and also became a monster.

After my eyes had fully adjusted to the morning light that peeped through the boarded windows, they scanned the abandoned house to find Lucy in Thomas' arms. I watched as the young child shuddered and pressed her face into his chest as he wove his fingers into her curly hair, trying to sooth her. Part of me was jealous, Thomas used to do that with me during our first month alone. But the other part of me, my mother's instincts, came out.

"Another bad dream?" My voice carried out with a coat of worry. It had only been a few weeks after the three of us had to witness the cruel deaths of Lucy's entire family who were so kind enough to allow us to stay the bitter winter at their cabin before that too got overrun.

"Third one this week. " Thomas answered. His voice was changing, and so was his appearance. His hair was now growing, still darker than ever, but now curlier and thicker. He had broader muscles, too, though he was still on the leaning side. But he has grown to be physically strong as well.

"I'm sorry." Lucy whimpered, her full lips pressed in a quiver.  I only shook my head at her as if telling her not to worry. I still have my nightmares. The only difference is I stopped screaming a long time ago.

"Don't be. Just try and eat something. We will be moving soon.  You need your energy. " I told her softly. The girl nodded and moved away from Thomas' lap, searching in her bag to find something to eat.

As she was busy searching for her bag; Thomas and I went outside. Lucky for us, we had cleared all the walkers in the area, and there hadn't been more lurking for the past week. Only a few were brave enough to look for something to feed or were attracted to Lucy's night terrors. But even then, Thomas and I normally took care of them.

"We need to keep moving. " I told Thomas, normally I don't like to show my emotions, but somehow Thomas always found a way in.

"I know. I just don't know where we can look. " Thomas sighed. He didn't like to show worry either, but I can see right through him a lot more easily than he can.

"She's a child. She needs people. She can't be out here. It's too dangerous. Walkers are everywhere. What happens if we come upon a horde again?"  I told him.

"We will think of something. Let me see the map. " Thomas replied.

My fingers reached into my back pocket and pulled up a neatly folded map. Luckily for me, my mother forced me to read maps when I had asked to be taught how to drive.

"We checked everywhere so far. We could just keep going to the mountains like planned. " Thomas stated.

"I guess we better get going." I replied.

"We should recheck the area again. In case we missed anything. " Thomas claimed.

I only gave him a small nod as we headed back into the house. Lucy had been chomping on a granola bar and handed both of us one as well. We didn't have much food. But we always rationed what we could find.

After breakfast, we gathered up our things. I picked up my bat that Daryl had presented me back in the Atlanta Camp. I'm still surprised that I had not lost the thing. The familiar hands grasping mine brought me back to my thoughts. Looking down, Lucy's eyes meet mine as we follow Thomas out the door and head towards the next house.

Once we reached the porch, we all quietly made our way up to the door and got into position. Lucy stood at the door while Thomas stood behind her. I stood on the opposite side.

Lucy knocks once, and we wait.

When we didn't hear the familiar sound of a walker, Lucy opened the door, and I quietly creeped inside, scanning the living room for any unwanted guests. "Clear. " I quietly called out to them, and they shortly joined me.

After sweeping through the house, Lucy and I scrimmage through the kitchen cabinets while Thomas stood watched. Only to find a few good canned foods such as carrots and beans. Though nowadays, every little thing counts, even if it was a thing of expired painkillers or a half used toothpaste.

It took us over a little half hour to finally ransack the house for anything useful before going and doing it again to the next few houses. However, we weren't as lucky as we were the first time.

We finally made the decision to try a town that was nearby. It was only half a mile, and we would make it before dark. It wasn't a big town. It had a convent store, a pharmacy, a church, and a few small restaurants.

"Come on, little duck. " Thomas called Lucy by "our"nickname for her as he bent down. Lucy happily jumped onto Thomas' back for a piggy ride. I couldn't help reminiscent about all the times I used to give Sophia piggyback rides when she was little.

We continued walking by foot. Ideally, we would look for a car, but we both Thomas and I had agreed. Walking is quieter while driving, which would probably give us attention that we don't need.

After about a mile and a half up the highway, we heard some vehicles coming in the distance. The three of us quickly rushed into the woods and hid under a small bank. Both Thomas and I made sure that Lucy was well hidden.

"Six wheels. Could be a van and a motorcyclist. " Thomas claimed. We had gotten pretty good at listening to the road and guessing how many vehicles go by. Though we weren't always right.

"Could be six cyclists. " I breathed as he looked back at me.

When a half hour went by, we decided to stick close to the edge of the road, hoping not to run into any people. Before we went any further, we decided to take a few moments of rest after our feet began to burn from walking.

We each shared a bar and one bottle of water. Before we decided to get up and continue our walk in the woods so our feet wouldn't hurt on the concrete.

The three of us made our way onto an old railroad path. Thomas was up front while I walked beside Lucy. Just a tiny bit up a ways, we came across a small clearing. Though only to discover something we couldn't believe.

A prison…

Fenced in with a big field, two towers, and a large gate. In the field, I noticed there was something in one of the fields, but it was too far away. I nudged Thomas, and he quickly noticed, too.

Once Lucy found a hiding place,the two of us climbed a tree to stay hidden and scoop the prison out. I gave Thomas our only pair of binoculars. 

"No freaking way." breathed Thomas, a small chuckle from him.

"What? " I asked, confused, only to be handed the binoculars. 

I peeked into them and gazed at what I saw in the field. My eyes widened in surprise once I saw who it was. Only to give Thomas a big hearty smile. I wanted to scream out his name though Thomas lifted his finger to his lips.

We both quietly slid down the tree and made our way back to Lucy. Now I was in over my head, excitement built up in my bones. But I had to remind myself not to get hopeful.

As we explained to Lucy what we saw, we also had to come up with a plan. One that didn't get the three of us killed.

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