Chapter 31

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『Lucy's POV』

Something had caught my eyes, distracting me from my post as Callie and Thomas searched a store for supplies. I wanted them to think I could handle myself, so I went to check it out.

However, when I got back, I noticed they were fighting a large man, so I hid behind a car, watching the fight. Only for it to end up with the larger, scarier man with one hand winning.

At first, I wanted to jump out and help, but as they drove away, Callie mouthed for me to stay. Luckily, the man didn't see me.

However, from the corner of my eyes, I saw a woman. Dark skin, long braided hair hiding behind a car. Anger burned my skin as I tightened my fists. "Why didn't she help them!?" I thought as I quietly picked up Callie's bat that she had dropped.

It was actually the woman who had caught my attention to leave my post. But I didn't see her until after the fight, and luckily for me, she didn't see me either. Quietly making my way over, I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the woman.

"Get up! " I told her angrily. My eyes watched as she placed her hands on her long sword. If she wanted to, she could slice me open right now.

"Don't even think about it. " I told her. I watched as she turned around, a shock look on her face.

" You're coming with me. " I told her. "Try anything. Anything at all. I'll put three bullets in your head. " I warned her, making sure she knew I meant it.

"Okay, okay. I'm not gonna hurt you, kid. " the woman said. Sliding her sword over. I picked it up.

There wasn't anything left of our supplies. The only thing that Callie and Thomas dropped was a full basket of baby formula. Confusion struck my mind. "Why would we need a baby formula to get into a prison?" I thought as I made the woman carry the basket, and we made our walk back to the prison. Though I made sure to keep my gun pointed at her.

As we made our way to the fence surrounded by walkers, a man made his way towards us. The only thing I could do was walk up to the fence and look at him with pleading eyes.


The next thing I knew, I was inside the prison, surrounded by the rest of the group. Letting them watch as I stuffed my face with the food they were willing to offer. However, I became quiet, and I didn't like strangers. I would have been just fine pleading my case to their leader. But larger crowds scare the hell out of me.

"Why would a kid take you as a hostage? "  The man asked the woman as an older man addressed her wound.

"For the last time, she came out of nowhere. " the woman answered, annoyed by the fact that their leader was repeating a question. I would have answered but the food was too good. Even if it was just a plain old sandwich.

"Let me ask again. "  said the man as he placed a finger in the woman's wound, causing the woman to wince in pain.

"She was with people.  I believe. He's a pretty little red-haired girl and a guy. " the woman answered.

"Their names are Callie and Thomas. "  I corrected her in between chews. Everyone else in the room looked at me with shocked expressions.

"Say that again? " their leader asked.

"Their names are Callie and Thomas. I've been with them all winter. Until she allowed them to get kidnapped by a one-handed man. " I answered him, glaring at the woman.

"I wasn't taking any chances. " replied the woman.

"The man who took them. Is his name Merle? " a dark-haired, thick-accent man asked me. He looked like the one who was fighting Callie and Thomas. I only shrugged at his answer. But the woman answered the man's question for me.

"Yeah, his name's Merle. He's the same bastard who shot me." said the woman clearly, not happy being shot.

"Does she have red hair? " A woman with short buzzed cut hair asked me, her eyes filled with hope.

I only nodded a yes and flickered my finger across my nose, then pointed to hers. As if I was telling her that they both had the same nose.

"Yes, she got my nose alright and her daddy's eyes. " the woman said with a small smile that looked up at her leader. "We've got to get them back, Rick. "

My eyes landed on their leader, Rick, as if agreeing with Callie's mother. Rick looked back at me. "Do you know where they were taken? " he asked. I could only sadly nod my head no for an answer.

"Probably to Woodbury. Merle must have taken them to The Governor.  " the woman answered as I watched the old man finish bandaging her leg.

"Can you show—" started Rick but looked up when he heard something.

My ears perked just like his, I remember that sound. The sound of a baby crying. It reminded me of my baby brother. My eyes scanned the room to find two blonde girls walking down a small flight of stairs. One of them was holding a crying baby. I just couldn't believe my eyes.

"Sorry, she's getting a little fuzzy. Thought she might want one of you. " the girl told Rick.

Before the girl could pass the baby to her father, I excitedly put down my water and rushed over to look at her. My eyes gleamed at the sight of her.

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