Chapter 5

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When Callie woke up, she was lying in Dale's bed. She could feel a throbbing pain in her head. She couldn't remember what had happened that cost her to black out.

"She's awake." called a familiar voice. She was soon joined by Lori,Andrea, and Jacqui as they all looked at her worriedly.

She was soon handed an ice pack in which she placed on her throbbing head. Only to wince at the coolness.

"What happened?" Callie asked as she let out a small groan.

" You hit your head against a rock when Ed knocked you down. " explained Andrea.

" How are you feeling, sweetie?" Lori asked with a concern voice.

" Like I hit my head against a rock."

The four women looked at each other with somewhat an amused smile. Callie always had a sarcastic sense of humor.

"You should be fine as long as you keep that ice pack on your head." Jacqui explained.

"How's my mother?" Callie questioned.

"She hasn't said a word since the ordeal. She feels guilty. " answered Lori.

"Better go talk to her then." Callie replied as she slowly gotten up.

" You sure you should be walking? Might end up rock bottom again. " Andrea question.

" I should be fine. Thanks for looking after her when I was out." Callie responded. 

" You know you can talk to any of us if he ever bothers you. We've seen the bruises on your mother, and Glenn says he has seen the bruises on your arm. " Jacqui explained.

" I can take care of myself. "

Callie soon left the three women in search of her mother. Finding her at their tent. The teen walked over towards her mother to make sure she was okay. Not caring in the world where Ed was.

"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry. " Carol called out once she noticed her daughter walking towards her.

"I'm fine. I'm just checking on you and Soph. " Callie responded.

"She and Carl are coloring with the Morales' children. " Carol answered.

"Good. Why don't you go see what everyone wants for dinner. I think Amy and Andrea are going fishing later. " Callie replied.

She watched as her mother left, waiting until she was out of plain sight before she walked into the tent.

Inside, Ed was lying there staring at the roof of the tent. His face was swollen with bruises and a hint of dried blood. But Callie paid no attention to the monster as she quickly gathered up her clothes.

"I'm moving into Glenn's tent. " she mumbled as she filled up her backpack. Glenn had offered her on  multiple occasions to share his tent. Just so she could get away from Ed. But each time she refused. Up till now.

"Good riddance." Mumbled her father as Callie continued to pack her things. She slammed her fist on the cooler they kept in their tent and often used it as a table.

"You know some father's actually treat their kids nicely. " Callie claimed.

"Some kids don't deserve nice things,especially when they take advantage of things." His reply caused Callie to scoff as she finished packing her things. She was just about to leave when she felt a hand grab hers, causing her to freeze a little.

However, something he said finally made her snap. Callie turned around, snatched the gun they had kept hidden under her pillow, and held it under his chin.

"I'm not your toy anymore." She started." You're lucky that Shane let you live. " she threatened as she pulled the trigger on the gun.

" But let me tell you this... If you ever lay your hands on me,Sophia,or mom ever again. I'll blow your brains out. Got that? " Callie threatened. It was the first time Callie had ever seen fear in her father's eyes and the first time she ever stood up to him. She waited until Ed nodded in agreement. In which she put the gun back on safety. Putting it in her back pocket.

" Good. " Callie claimed but not before she gave her father a finale glare.

" God, I wish you would die and go to hell. " Callie claimed before walking out of the tent. Once outside, Callie couldn't help but smile proudly to herself as she walked away from the tent.

She had just stood up to the man who had made her entire life a living hell, and she knew from that moment on she wasn't going to let anyone walk over her ever again. The teen made her way over to Glenn's tent. It was much smaller, but it was a two person tent.

On her way, she noticed Shane watching her leave her family's tent. But Callie could only give the man a nod of respect as she moved her stuff into Glenn's tent. She had Shane to thank for saving her life.

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