Chaptet 54

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『Callie's POV』

“Push!” repeated the boys as we tried to get the truck unstuck from a puddle of mud. But to no avail, it wasn't working.

“Guess that's it. We're walking on foot. “ said Connor.

“Sorry, about the truck. We will help get another vehicle.” said Thomas, in which I nodded in agreement.

“Don't worry about it. I stole it off my old pops before he passed.” said Connor. Meanwhile, I got out and started to take the gas out of the truck. Fuel was precious, and we couldn't just leave it there.

After the group had collected their belongings, we continued on foot. Not really having a destination in mind.

Within the hour, we saw what appeared to be a small farmhouse up ahead. We just had to walk the little dirt road.

By the time we got to the house, my feet were aching so bad that even Thomas had given me a piggyback ride. Even though he didn't have to, and I know his feet hurt too.

An elderly woman had come out to greet us with the biggest smile on her face as if she hadn't had company in the longest time. “Come in, come in.” she beamed.

“Hold it, Barb. “ called out a man's voice, and the sound of a shotgun clicking caused all of us to get into a fighting stance.

“Who are you people, and what are you doing on my land!” yelled the old man.

“Please sir. We just need a place for the night, and then we will–” began Connor, but the old man pointed his gun at him.

“Now Rupert. You know I don't like you pointing guns at people. “ Barb scolded her husband, wriggling her finger at him

“I ain't letting these people in our home.”

“And you have every right not to let us in. But it's getting dark and we've been traveling for a long time. Please, sir, We just need to hold up for the night.” Thomas claimed.

“It's just for one night, honey, besides. It's dangerous out there now. We can't let anything happen to them.” said Barb.

Rupert thought for a few moments.”One night only.”  said the man in which brought a smile on his wife's face as she welcomed us inside.

“Let's see about getting you guys freshen up.” claimed Barba, causing the boys to get excited.

“Ah!ah! Ladies first.” She announced as she ushered me up the stairs. But Thomas stopped us.

“Maybe. I should go with.” said Thomas only for Barb to give him a look.

“I'll be fine. She's a sweet old lady. What could she do? “I reassured him as I followed Barb up the stairs.

“So is he your? “ started Barb.

“Boyfriend? You can say that.” I answered her as she showed me the bathroom.

“I'll give you some of my granddaughter's clothes. You two look the same size.” claimed the woman.

“Thank you. "I told her as I then closed the  door to the bathroom. After I undressed, I hopped in the tub; setting my bat down on the corner of the tile and letting the warm water hit my skin.


It has been almost a half hour since I've been in the shower. I had almost lost track of time. Once I was done, I grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself before hearing a knock.

I opened it just a tiny bit to see Barb handing me a set of clean clothes. “Thank you. “ I told her as I took them,she only gave me a smile.

“Dinner will be ready in one hour” she said, causing me to give her a small nod.

As soon as I was done getting dressed,I made my way downstairs. By the time I got there, dinner was already being served, so I sat down next to Thomas.


『Thomas’ POV』

Barb and Rupert were generous enough to allow us to stay one night at their farmhouse. But we had to stay in the camper that was parked outside.

“We should take over this farm,” said Connor just as soon as Callie and I came into the camper. His friends mostly agree with them.

“What? Why would we? They were generous enough to let us stay one night.” said Callie.

“Just think about it. This place has everything. And besides, who knows how long those old timers have.” said Connor.

“This is their land that they let us stay here. We're not doing anything.” I told them. Wrinkling my nose in disgust.

“Exactly. Who knows how long they'll last.It’s a miracle they survived so long. What happens if another group comes across them or a horde.” said Connor.

“Exactly one of those two could happen. We've gone through both. Things don't last long. “ said Callie.

“It's finale. We're not doing anything,” said Thomas.

“Suit yourself. If anything, we can just rob them.” said Connor.

“If you do anything.” I started, but Connor gave me a look.

“Whose in charge here? “ he claimed.

“I thought no one was.” I stated.

“Let me make myself clear. We're– “

“No one is doing anything.” said Callie, slamming a knife in the counter, causing everyone to jump slightly. Sometimes, even she scares me a little.

“We don't have to listen to you. You guys can go if you want.” said Connor.

“Come on, let's go. “ I told Callie before I led her out of the camper.

“What are we going to do?” asked  Callie.

“We will leave in the morning.” I told her.

“And what about Barb and Rupert?”

“I'll warn Rupert before we leave. “ I told her as we both began to climb a tree.


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