Chapter 50

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『Callie’s POV』

Thomas and I never stopped running, not even after we reached the safe house. A house he and I found during a run and decided to use it in case we had to bring Lucy there. The others didn't even know about it.

“She's not here! She's not here!” I called out to Thomas in a panic as I raced down the stairs. I had made Lucy memorize the way to the safe house in case there was an emergency. Such as The Governor coming back. But she mustn't have made it out.

“She has to be here or on her way. Maybe she got hold up, or perhaps she's with some of the others. '' Thomas tried to reassure me. But I wasn't having it.

“No! She knows the way. All the shortcuts  She would have beaten us! She's not here, Tommy! “ I told him as I couldn't help but sob into his shoulders.

After a moment of letting me sob, he looked me straight in the eyes. Something about those chocolate brown eyes had always comforted me. I just never got over  why.

“We're going to find her. Just like how we're going to find Beth and Maggie. “ he promised me before he pulled me into another hug.

We had decided to stay the night. After making sure that there were no signs of Walkers nearby, we walked inside the house and made sure it was locked.

“I'll keep the first watch. You get some rest. Thomas claimed. I knew better than to argue with him. At times, it was pointless. I laid down on the half worn couch that was left behind from the previous owner, using our bag as a pillow, and stared into the ceiling. Wondering where Lucy was and if she was probably as scared as I was right now. She and my mother were the only things on my mind.

At first, I wasn't able to sleep. The Governor murdering Hershel replayed in my mind like a record player, and I wondered what was going through Tommy’s mind.

After deciding I couldn't sleep, I looked over to see Thomas half asleep half trying to stay awake. I threw our blanket at him, causing him to jolt awake a little bit.

“My turn. “ I told him as I got up and stretched before switching him spots. As I sat on the chair, I laid my bat down on my lap. I looked down at it and remembering the day Daryl had first given it to me.

I was only smiling a tiny bit at that memory before I looked up and focused on the door. I hope that Lucy would just walk in at any moment.

But she never came.


『Thomas’ POV』

When morning came, I bolted up. The dream of my dad being killed was not a dream. It was just a recurring nightmare. I still couldn't believe he was gone and that Beth and Maggie were now missing or probably dead with him.

When I turned over to look at Callie, I noticed she was gone and the door was wide open. I quickly got up and ran outside. “Cal!? “ I called out repeatedly as I ran in circles only to find her returning with a few dead birds in her hands.

“Found breakfast. “ she called out.

“You didn't wake me up to watch?” I questioned her.

“‘You were having nightmares. Looked like you needed it. '' she explained as she began to prepare the birds.

“Next time, wake me up.” I demanded, but she only nodded.

“I'll get some firewood. We will leave shortly after to go look for Lou.” I told her before making my way over to where we stashed our firewood.

It wasn't long before we were on the road. Keeping an eye out for any signs of not only Lou but the others.

It felt like we were walking forever. Our feet were probably getting blisters already. We stopped in the middle of the road and sat down. After sitting, I took out a bottle of water and two energy bars and handed her one of the bars and the water first.

I could only stare at the energy bar. I didn't really feel like eating. It was as if there was an empty pit in my stomach. Honestly, I couldn't eat after witnessing my father's cruel death. Could you?

Suddenly,I felt a hand on my knee. Looking up, it was only Callie. “You okay? I'm here if you need to talk.” she told me. I only gave her a small nod. Whenever I took just one look at her on a bad day or whenever Merle was getting on my nerves, she always made me feel better. But not this time.

A few walkers had managed to stumble their way onto the road, causing the two of us to get on our feet once more. “Time to go!” she claimed as we then started to run. Sometimes, walkers would be slow and easy to kill. Other times, it's just easier to run.

By night time, we had managed to find a really tall tree to sleep in. We both got out our ropes and tied them around our waists. Making sure it was tight enough not to let us fall in our sleep but lose enough to quickly make an escape.

Trees were our way of hiding. No one saw us way up high.Being up high also gave us somewhat of an advantage. Plus, it gave us both the chance to get some rest.

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