Chapter 27

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『Bri's POV』

Morning had come, and the others still hadn't come back with Hershel. Shane had to go get Lori in the middle of the night.

Beth went into shock shortly after Thomas left, and I've been going back and forth between the two. Checking on Carol, who hadn't even left her daughter's side, not even for something to drink or eat.

I made my way into Beth's room where Maggie and Patricia were leaning over her. "How is she? " I asked.

"Dehrayted. I'll start an IV', it's the best I can do until Hershel gets here. " states Patricia as she left the room.

Once it was just Maggie and I, I looked at her. "Can I get you anything? " I asked her.

"I'm fine. " she replied. Only for me to stop a small scoff. "What? " she questioned.

"You and Carol are the same. " I told her.

"How's she doing? " Maggie asked, obviously changing the subject.

"Hasn't eaten or drink anything. Even Lori can't convince her. " I told her.

"She just lost her daughter, and her other one is in shock. " replied Maggie, only for me to nod my head.

I watched as she looked down at Beth. Her eyes were wide open, but she wasn't moving. Though she had a heartbeat.

"I was just reminding her about- " started Maggie before she paused in between her sentence. "Never mind. "

"No, no. I'd like to hear. " I told her, figuring whatever she wanted to say would help her feel better.

" My dad would die if he heard this. " she began with a huge smile as I listened.

"My first summer back from college. I got home, dumped my stuff, and went to the stables for a ride. My family came back from church, and Beth grabbed my things and started unpacking my stuff upstairs. "

I couldn't help but form a small tiny smile. "That's sweet. " I told her.

"Yeah, until this one here started rifling through my backpack and found this plastic containers with pink and green candies inside. " Maggie continued with a huge smile.

"She didn't even know I was on the pill. She was so freaked out about me, boys and sex that she told Thomas. So he goes outside and chucks them out in the duck pond. "

"I see this, and I'm screaming at him. She's crying. Next thing we knew, Shawn ran outside, thinking one of us was drowning. But as soon as he figures out what's going on, the jerk bursts out laughing so loud the horse gears up and gets mud on all four us. " Maggie continued as I listened, smiling.

"Our dad comes out."What the heck's going on out here? " she just turns around, bats her eyes, and says we're just swimming, daddy. In her Sunday dress, all covered in snout and mud, "

I only smile slightly, Rick, Thomas, and Glenn will get your dad back. " I promised her only to get a nod from her.

"Glenn's a good guy. " she stated.

"Yeah,he is. "

The both of us followed everyone outside when we all heard the sound of a vehicle approaching. Rick got out first, and I couldn't help but smile and watch as Carl ran out to him gleefully and was soon joined by Lori.

Maggie raced past me, then Hershel, and hugged Glenn. Thomas was the last one to get it. After he shut the door, I watched as Maggie gave him a hug but not before noticing his leg was bandaged up with a white shirt.

"You've been shot? " Maggie asked her older twin.

"I'm okay. " Thomas reassured his sister as he followed them inside.

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