Chapter 26

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『Thomas' POV』

My father and I didn't stop wrestling until we heard the door opening and two pairs of feet stood there.

"Son of a bitch. They're alive. " said one of the man before he looked down at my father and I on the floor with a huge grin.

"Don't stop upon our account. I got five bucks on the old man. " the skinnier one told his partner.

Next thing I knew, Rick was pouring them a drink and everyone introduced themselves.

"How about you pal. Have one? " Dave asked my father.

" He just quite. " I answered for my father.

" He has a unique sense of timing. " responded Dave.

" That's Hershel and his son Thomas. They lost people today. " explained Rick. " A lot of them. "

My father and I watched as they all toast and took a swift of their drinks. Rick noticed Dave's gun in his back pocket.

"Not bad huh? Got off a cop. "

" He's a cop. " I told Dave.

"This one was dead already. "

I listened as Dave explained what they were doing so far south. Something in my guts was telling me not to trust these guys. But I've let Rick handle the talking.

Then Fort Benning came up in the conversation and then Dave asked about if we had a camp.

I glanced over at Rick as the conversation continued to grow with Dave and Tony wanting to join the group. Something tells me they were up to no good.

"Don't tell me to calm down. Don't you ever fucking tell me to calm down. I can shoot the four of you right here and now and take over your damn farm. " threatened Tony.

"Say that again. I dare you. " I threatened Tony, us getting in each other's face.

"Woah, Woah. Nobody's killing anybody. " claimed Dave as he went behind the counter.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Rick grab his gun but not before he told David to go to Nebraska.

That was when Rick fired on them, killing them both.

It wasn't long until a vehicle showed up and we all ducked behind the door to avoid being seen.

For a while, we waited to see if they would leave. But they didn't. "Why won't they just leave? " I whispered to Rick. But he had no answer.

Soon, we heard gunshots, and we all scrambled from the door. But one of the people outside explained it was walkers.

Suddenly,they were about to check the bar, but I quickly leaned against the door. Preventing them from opening it. I listened as Rick started to talk to the men out the door, explaining to them what happened.

But they didn't like Rick's answer and started shooting. The next thing I knew, Rick was yelling at us to find cover. My father quickly slid a rifle towards me as I took it.

I followed Glenn towards the back. Once we got there, we heard one of them trying to open the door, but both Glenn and I fired our rifles at them, shattering the glass window in the process.

Soon,my  father joined us and explained Rick's plan. "We will cover for you. " I told Glenn, agreeing with my father. "We won't let anything happen to you. " I added, knowing I would feel the wrath of Maggie if I did let anything happen to him.

Glenn went out the door first, and I shortly followed. I was unaware of a person behind me until I heard gunshots. The next thing I felt was a sharp pain in my right leg, stumbling forward. I lost my balance.

I could feel the blood gushing out, a burning sensation fired up as I tried not to scream out in pain. Not wanting to lose our cover.

Rick and Hershel soon came to our side. Glenn managed to help me rest my back against the wall.

"Let me see that wound, boy. " my father told me. I quickly rolled up my pants leg to where the bullet was. I'm just above my ankle.

"Just a puncture wound. We can fix it once we get home. " my father told me as he wrapped up my leg after cutting off part of my pants.

"Can you walk? " Rick asked in a whisper. I nodded my head as Glenn helped me up.

"Let's go. " he said, and we went to leave but were shot at again.

We scanned the area and saw a sniper on the roof. One of his buddies pulled up in a vehicle and started to shout at them to leave, claiming walkers were everywhere.

We watched as the sniper jumped off the roof only to miss the truck and landed on something as he started screaming for his buddy to help only for him to be left behind.

"Get your father. " Rick told me as he ran across the street. Glenn and I turned around and called out for my father.

We made it to Carol's jeep, just as soon as I was about to open the door, my father raced towards Rick with Glenn following.  I watched and listened as they argued but not before I saw they were helping the boy.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw walkers coming from the shadows. "Guys! Hurry! " I yelled, grabbing my rifle and began shooting while leaning up against the jeep for support.

Glenn joined me as he stood guard in front of Hershel and the kid. "' I need more hands! " he yelled out.

"Go! I got this!" I yelled at Glenn as I continued to shoot at the walkers.

The next thing I knew I heard besides for the continuing gunfire was bones cracking and the kid screaming bloody murder.

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