Chapter 11

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(Callie's POV)

Fort Benning…

125 miles in the opposite direction.

That was our plan. To head to Fort Benning after the CDC was destroyed. Dr. Jenner and Jacqui were gone. So was Jim.

Soon enough, we were all on the highway since Dale's RV broke down again.

"Let's look for supplies," said Rick.

"Stay where mom and I can see you, Little Bug. Don't wander away from the road. " I told Sophia. "Carl, stay with her. " I added, getting a nod from the boy.

Bri and I went and checked out the cars while Glenn tried his best to fix Dale's RV with the knowledge Jim gave him.

"What are we looking for?" Bri asked me.

"Food,weapons.Anything useful. " I told her as I tried to open some of the car doors to look inside.

The two of us made our way down a little ways from the group. I saw Shane laughing hysterically as he found a truck full of water. I only rolled my eyes.

"You don't like that guy, do you?" Bri asked.

"No.I don't. Best stay away from him. " I warned her.

"Why? "

"He tried to rape Lori. That's why. I had to pull him off her myself. " I explained.

"That was back at the CDC?"

"Yeah. "

Suddenly, Rick started frantically waving his arms towards us. Just a little way from the group was a group of walkers heading towards us.

"Shit!" I said,watching as everyone else got down underneath the vehicles. Bri had opened up a moving van. Luckily, it was empty. We both climbed in, closing the door, and waited.

We could hear them growling outside. I held my hand over Bri's mouth to keep her from squealing and making a sound. They kept knocking into the van, but luckily, they didn't smell us inside.

Then silence came, a pounding noise on the outside spooked us, and we yelled in freight. Only to have Glenn open it  from the outside with a frantic look on his face. "Two walkers just chase after Sophia into the woods." he said.


I quickly jumped down from the van and ran back to the group. My heart vanished as I ran past the group, jumping over the guard. But my mom's terrified voice stopped me in my tracks.

"There are two walkers going after my baby!" wailed my mother, causing my heart to ache. I stopped and turned to look at her.

"STAY! " I yelled at her as Lori held her back.

I rushed back into the woods. Tears stained my shirt as I frantically looked around. Suddenly, I heard twigs snapping. I saw walkers following Sophia as she held Mr. Whiskers close to her running away from them.

That's it! Keep running, Little Bug! Don't stop! I'm coming! I'm coming!

I continued to race after them. But I wasn't fast enough to catch up. Suddenly, I ran into something. Rick.

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