Chapter 33

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️— This chapter will contain graphic scenes such as violence and sexual assault. Do not continue to read and skip ahead  if this makes you uncomfortable. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

『Callie's POV 』

My eyes stayed shut as I listened to Merle beat the living hell out of Thomas in the other room. I tried to keep a whimper from coming out, but I just balled my fist and bit onto it. I've never felt so completely helpless before. The only thing I could think of was my promise to not only him but to Maggie. The day of the farm getting overrun played in my head.

Thomas and I had gone for a ride that day to clear our minds after Sophia. It wasn't until we heard gunfire when we tried to get back to the farm. Though thousands of walkers surrounded it.

The two of us had to quickly run off to try not to get eaten. We would have raced back to the farm to help, but a wall of walkers blocked our way.

After we had managed to get away from the horde, I was in a panic. I'm crying over everyone, including my own mother.

"Listen to me! " Thomas' voice broke, I knew he was worried too, but I also knew he was trying to be strong. Maybe for my sake.

My teary eyes glanced up at him. Fear was clearly in him, but he was trying not to show it. "I need you! Look at me! I need you! I don't know how to survive out here! But you do. If you die, I don't stand a chance. I need you to teach me how to survive. I need you to survive! "

The sound of a door opening caused me to look up, distracting me from my thoughts. A man appeared, slightly older, tall, light colored hair and was plausibly charming.  For a moment, the man didn't speak, and we stared at each other for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry this isn't how I normally introduce our guests. " said the man.

"Where's Tommy? " I asked. "I wanna see him." I said.

"Sorry. Merle is talking with him at the moment. " the man answered, clasping his hands together on the table.

"Doesn't sound like talking. " I replied.

"Merle does have his own way of communicating. Anyway I'm sure you know why you're here? " the man asked.

I just sat quietly, something the man probably didn't like.

"'Tell me about your camp. '' the man demanded. "How many of you are there? "

"We don't have a camp. "

"Merle mentioned a prison. "

"We just found it. We've been on our own since winter. Merle's the first person we've come across since. "

"Merle said you two go way back. From the beginning. "

"Yeah. Back in Atlanta. Look if this is what the others did back then. Merle deserved it. He was an asshole. Still is. " I explained to him.

"The others? I thought you said you were alone? " the man asked after a small chuckle escaped his lips.

"We were with a group on a farm. Probably not even a day's journey by car. But it got overrun. We don't know who survived or if anyone survived. "

We sat silent for a moment. " So this prison? You were planning on trying to get in? "

I didn't answer, but I'm not really sure whether or not I should. Especially if my response would anger this man. Another small chuckle escaped his lips. "You know, I've been awfully kind. But I want answers. Now. " he claimed.

"You just got them. "

His nostrils flared up, and I didn't move. I wasn't about to show this man he could get under my skin. I watched carefully as he stood up from the table, took off his belt, and set it down before he sat himself down again.

"Take it off. " he said, with a hint of seriousness. The hair on my arms stood up, and I felt a little tense.

"What? " I asked, seemingly confused.

"Take it off. " he ordered, pointing to my shirt. I felt a lump in my throat.

"No. " I plainly said.

"Take it off, or I'll have Merle cut off Tommy's hand and give it to you."

My heart nearly stopped as my face went pale. He was serious, and I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to take the risk. But then I remembered my promise, so I did as I was told.

My eyes followed the man as he got up and walked behind me. I could only face the wall, keep my eyes closed, and try to prepare what could happen next. The next thing I knew, I was slammed against the table, feeling the man's hands over my body as I felt him play with my hair.

"You can do whatever you want. But I'd rather die for Tom. " I told him.

My hands were shaking as I felt him yank me off the table, grabbing my arm and leading me out of the room, followed by another man and Merle. I could feel a smirk on Merle's face as if he had just won the gold prize seeing me topless.

We entered the room Thomas was being held in, and his face was beaten almost to a pulp. All I could do was look at him helplessly as I did my best to cover myself.
It wasn't long until we were left alone. Thomas has given me his shirt to cover up. I felt more like a coward after I've revealed the prison, but I knew I couldn't let Thomas die.

Thomas broke the silence despite not even being able to complete his question. But I knew what he was trying to ask.

"No. No. I promise. " I told him as I paused for a moment. Flashbacks from my past played in my head like a movie.

"But there is something else. " I told him.

He looked at me, eyes filled with confusion. I took a small deep breath and told him my biggest secret.

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