Chapter 51

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『Bri’s POV』

I had awoken before Glenn did, I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep. But I groudighly woke up.

“Where are we?” I asked Tara as she handed me a cantine filled with water. I only took a bit of the water as I listened to her explain. Then something hit me.

“Did we pass a bus,” I asked her, and she nodded her head. Beth and Maggie were on that bus, and we could have missed them. So I shook Glenn awake.

“We just passed the bus! “ I explained to him as he bolted awake. The two of us then looked at Tara.

“What did you see?” we demanded to know. But she was hesitant to answer at first.

“”How long since we passed it?”

“Three hours. “

Glenn then started smashing the glass window, trying to get the driver's attention. But I had a crazier idea.

I grabbed my backpack and stood at the edge of the moving truck. But I then felt a hand grab mine. “What are you doing!? “ Tara asked. But I just ignored her and prepared to jump.

But out of the blue, the truck stopped, causing me to fall out of it and twist my ankle. I let out a groan of pain as Glenn and Tara jumped down to my aid.

“Are you okay?” Tara asked as I held back the tears but nodded at her.

“Can you walk?” Glenn asked. I should have said no, but I wanted to find Beth and Maggie. My ankle could wait to heal. I just nodded my head at Glenn as he helped me up and wrapped my arm around Tara while Glenn got his bag.

The three people from before came to join us. The ginger one started to question our motive.

“Where are they going? “ asked Ginger Hair and began ranting about a special mission, causing both Glenn and I to look at him with a confused expression.

“We gotta go. “ I told Ginger as both Glen and I began to walk away only to be stopped by the man.

“ I don't think both of you have been paying close attention to the hell on earth we've been living in. So let me tell you how best to avoid being just another dead-alive pricks.” he claimed.

I flare my nostrils and place my hands on my hips while tilting my head to the right “How so?” I asked him.

“You find some strong, like-minded comrades, and you stay stuck together like wet on water. “ he began to explain. 

“Cool. Come on, Glenn. “ I told him and began to hobble away, but Ginger stopped me and turned to look at him, giving him a warning stare.

“We need people. The more the merrier. We need each other, partner.” claimed the man.”Even with all that gear on your shoulders. You won't even last a night. not with that ankle anyway. “

I turned to look at Glenn before turning back to the man. “We will take our chances. “ I told him, determined to find Beth and Maggie.

However, the man stopped me, grabbing my arm. “Let go of me! “ I warned him. Glen came up and came between the two of us, staring the man down.

“I insist. “ he said. “That you hold the hell up. “ Alright. Believe it or not. The fact of the entire human kind depends on it. “

“What the hell are you talking about?” I questioned him.

For the next few minutes, Glenn, Tara, and I listened to Abraham talk about Eugene. I quickly took a glance at him. He didn't look like a scientist. Not like my father.

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