Chapter 45

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『Callie's POV』

The morning sunlight beamed through the tower. Thomas and I had claimed the tower while Glenn and Maggie claimed the other one. Though it was the sound of a camera clicking that caused me to quickly wake up. Only to see Thomas had taken a picture of me in my sleep.

“Better throw that away.” I mumbled, trying my best to hide a smile.

“Not gonna happen.” claimed Thomas with a big smile. "It's mine."

“I'll burn it later.” I teased him.

“Then I'll keep taking more.” He teased back.

“Not unless I break that camera.” I threatened.

“I'll have Lou hide it.”

The small argument soon turned to a tickle war. Though that was put to an end when we heard gunfire coming from one of the cellblocks, along with Lizzy and Mica running outside screaming for help.

Thomas and I quickly meet the others at Cell Block D. Once inside, there was mad panic as walkers somehow got inside. I picked up Luke as one walker was close to making him a meal, instantly whacking it with my bat.

“Get in your cells!” Yelled Rick as everyone hurried to kill the walkers.

It wasn't until the entire cell block was clear that I thought of Lucy.

“Lucy!? “ I screamed as I searched among the children. Normally, she would be with the younger kids. But she wasn't.

“Lucy! “ I yelled again before turning to Thomas. “I can't find Lou.“

“It's alright. We just have to calm down. She gotta be here somewhere.” Thkmas claimed as he called out for Lucy.

“I'm here! “ called out Lucy finally from where Karen was in her cell. I quickly ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

“You call out when I call you! Do you understand!?” I yelled at her, but not before I gave her another hug. Suddenly, I heard my mother call out my name.


“Stay here with Karen.” I ordered Lucy as I made my way to where my mother was. Only to see her attending to Mr. Samuel.

“He's been bite twice. “ my mother explained.

“Where else?” I asked as she showed me his neck. My mother and I then did our best to make him comfortable.

“Lizzie and Mica. You two care about them. I see it. “ Mr. Samuel started. “I don't have anyone else. Kids on their own. They don't have a chance. Can you look after them?” He asked.

“Like they’re yours. Like you and Thomas do with Lucy?” Mr. Samuel asked.

Both my mother and I tearfully nodded at the man.”Ryan, you're gonna have to let them say goodbye.”  My mother told him, placing a hand on his cheek as she tried to calm him.

“I'll go get them.” I told him as I got up and numbly made my way over to get Lizzy and Mica from Maggie.

Soon, I led them into the cell once the others had cleared out the dead. Both my mother and I stand by as we watch them.

“We have to go get Dr. S. “ sobbed Mica. She was still too young to understand what was happening to her dad.

“Oh honey. He's been a bit. The doctor won't help.” explained my mother as the two girls took hold of their father's hand.

The two of them then looked back at us, tears pouring in their eyes. I quickly grabbed them both to lead them out while my mother dealt with it.

“No. “ sobbed Mica.

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