Chapter 30

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「Thomas' POV』

"What are you doing? " I asked her as I watched her look through some baby clothes as we lottered through a small store in town. They weren't helpful, at least not getting us into the prison.

"I was thinking. It's been six months since we've seen them. What if Lori had her baby? " Callie called put. "We got to make sure it has something. "

To be honest, I have forgotten about Lori being pregnant. I was for sure either she or the baby didn't make it after the farm gotten over run.  Then again, we're not too sure who was with Rick when we saw him in the field.

"We don't even know who's still alive. " I quietly called out to her. Part of me was hoping that all the group was still with Rick. But I knew better than to hope.

"We still gotta make sure— " started Callie, but something caught her. I tilted my head in confusion. Only to look out the window where Lucy was supposed to be standing guard, but she wasn't there.

" Lucy? " we both called out. With one look, we quickly ran outside.

"Lucy! " we both called out, but Lucy didn't answer. Until a voice called out, we both turned around to see if it was Lucy. But it wasn't her. 

" We can't leave without her? Where could she have gone? She couldn't have gone to the prison herself. Lucy! Lucy! " yelled out Callie, worry coates her voice 

"Whose Lucy? " called out to a man; he had one hand missing. A large blade sticking out where one used to be. A big grin came on his face when he and Callie looked at each other.

"Well, hello, Red. "Something in his voice made my throat go all lumpy. But I just held my gun in the air.

"Merele? " Callie asked seemingly to be surprised.

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? My brother with ya? " Merle asked. Both Callie and I looked at each other whether or not to answer his question. Even though it was true, Daryl wasn't with us.

"Not for a while. " Callie asked. "How did you? "

"Cut my own hand off. Sure, do miss it. But ain't it a beauty? " Merle asked. "'Where y'all heading. I can give you a lift. " he claimed.

"Nowhere. " I answered him.

"Y'all know where my brother could be? Point me in the direction, and I'll be on my merry way. " Merele questioned. We didn't tell him his brother was alive cause we didn't know.

"I'm sorry, Merle. I don't think he made it alive. " Callie told him.

"You don't say? " Merle claimed. " Well, uh, I couldn't help but overhear about a prison? " he added.

"There's one— " started Callie, but I cut her off.

"We don't even know who the people are or if they're friendly. " I told him.

"One way to find out. How about I tag along with you, and we can forget all about Atlanta, huh? " Merle offered.

"I'm sorry we can't. " I told Merle. Something about this guy told me not to trust him. Especially with his sentence.

"The fact that we found each other. You can trust me. " Merle called out to Callie.

The two of us took a glance at each other. We slightly turned out backs against him, though I made sure to keep an eye on him.

"We can't trust him. At least not around Lou. " I whispered quietly, especially Lucy's name.

"Maybe we can work something out. Maybe you and I can go see if it's really them, and if it is, we'll send Daryl to get him. "Callie whispered back.

"What about you know? She can't survive on her own. " I added.

"Who? " Merle called out.

"Who what? " I asked him.

"Who are you two talking about? I can't overhear, but maybe you lost someone? I can help you look for her. " Merle claimed. "Perhaps then ol bygones can be ol bygones. Right Red? "

My eyes wondered to Callie, pleading with her not to give away Lucy. But I knew she knew more about Merle than me. By our conversation alone, he wasn't a good guy.

"Lucy's our dog. We found her and she's been with us since. Must have heard you, and you scared her off. " lied Callie.

" A dog? My, I haven't seen one since the olden days. " claimed Merle. "How about this. I help you find your fury little friend, and you help me get into the community you two found. " Merle said.

It didn't take long before Callie and I were forced to agree to take Merle along. We walked around the little store after I had taken Merle's gun. Just in case he tried anything on it.

"So you guys have anything to eat? Pretty hungry. " Merele asked.

"No. Sorry. We haven't eaten in days. " I lied to him again.

"Hmm, that's upsetting, actually.  Could go for some of Daryl's squirrels. Huh, Red? " Merle called out.

"Where have you been this entire time? The others- they went back to get you, said you cut your hand off, and burn it to stop the bleeding. " Callie called out.

Merle had explained his entire story. Up to the point where he claimed to get kicked out of his own group and how he was looking for a woman who escaped the community.

"You haven't seen her have ya? " Merele asked.

"You're the first person we've come across all winter. " I replied as we continued our search before we made it back to our supply car.

Callie and I looked at each other, wondering if our plan was still in motion. We both nodded our heads at each.

"How about it— " started Merle, but we interrupted him with Callie, throwing her bat at him to distract him as I made the first punch.

The next thing I knew, I was wrestling with the man. He was much more powerful than I was. Though, I managed to get a few good punches in him until he gained the upper hand and returned the favor. I could feel the blood pumping in my face. My vision began to become a  little blurry.

I watched as Callie jumped onto Merle's back and put him in a choke hole. Though he was much stronger than she was and was able to throw her off him. Anger boiled inside me when I saw Merle punching her in the face, and a bone cracking was heard. Just before he grabbed her by her hair, I slowly got up, holding my side, and knocked him off his feet, sending the two of us flying.

We wrestled for a few minutes, I tried to grab my gun from my pocket, but he managed to kick it out of my hand, sending it flying and us scrambling after it. Though Merle managed to beat me to it and pointed his gun in my face, causing me to put my hands in the air in defeat.

"Enough! " yelled Callie, causing the both of us to turn towards her. She had managed yo grab Merle's gun and had it pointed at him. But Merle was quicker to react, and I felt the end of the gun pointed at my head.

"Nah ah, Red. Take one more step, and he's a goner for sure." Merle threatened. I watched as Callie's face went from serious to a bit of fear.  Her eyes landed on Mr., and I only nodded for her to surrender as well, watching as she dropped merele's gun.

"That's it. Send it over here. Nice and easy now. " said Merle and Callie did as she was told.

"Now we're going back to that car, and you're going to take me to that prison. " said Merle, leaving us no choice but to follow his orders.

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