Chapter 15

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(Thomas's POV)

"No, ma'am, Merle Dixon isn't with us anymore. '' explained the Chinese looking man, who was called Glenn, was answering Patricia's question when she was curious about how they got ahold of the painkillers they brought with them.

I had prepared some bowls of oatmeal. It was the quickest meal I could think of. "I'm gonna eat outside. " I told Maggie as I made my way out to the porch.

I often ate outside when I needed to think or to be alone. Once outside, I sat on my mama's rocking chair and went to take a spoonful of my meal before I heard what appeared to be crying.

Getting up, I followed it around the corner. Only to see the redheaded girl that had accompanied Lori back with us. I was curious as to what she was crying about.

She must have heard my footsteps as she protectively raised her weapon, which was another baseball bat. Similar to the one Maggje used to save the blonde from earlier, but instead, it had three large metal spikes sticking out.

"Sorry. I heard crying. "I explained to her.

"Sorry. '' she said quietly as she wiped her nose.

"You hungry? I made some oatmeal. " I offered her my bowl of warm oatmeal in which she took it.

I watched as she took a spoonful, only to spit it back into the bowl, making me cringed a bit. "Sorry,I can't eat right now. " she explained.

"Something on your mind? " I asked as I sat down next to her. Our feet dangling from the porch. She nodded quietly.

"My little sister's missing. She's out there in the woods. With the geeks. " she explained. My heart broke into pieces for her, I couldn't imagine if one of my sisters got lost out in the woods.

"How long has she been missing? " I asked curiously. Maybe in the morning, I could help her look for her sister.

"Since yesterday. " the girl explained.

"I can talk to my father. See if we can borrow some horses and send out a search party. " I offered.
Callie's POV

Maggie's twin brother, whose name I still wasn't told yet, had come over and joined me on the porch. I hated it when I had to tell others about my feelings. But it was nice for a change too.

I was a bit surprised when he offered to gather a search party for Sophia. " You'd do that..? For me? Why? " I questioned him.

"I'd want someone to do the same thing for me if one of my sisters went missing. " he explained. It was a valid reasoning.

"Thanks–Uh,? " I started.

"Thomas. " the boy replied.

"Thanks, Thomas, but I don't know how to ride a horse." I admitted, which surprisingly caused Thomas to let out a laugh. I only raided my eyebrows at him, wondering what the heck was wrong with him.

"Sorry. You're the first person I meet who doesn't know how to ride a horse. " Thomas claimed.

"I wasn't given that luxury as a kid. " I told him.

"I can teach you. It's not that hard. " Thomas offered. Really? What's with this kid? Was he trying to get something from me?

"What do you get in return? " I questioned him. Now, his face turned from amusement to confusion.

"Nowadays, when someone wants something from someone else, they usually want something in return. " I explained to him.

" I just want to help find your sister. " Thomas explained.

"Alright then. " I replied, looking down at the bowl of oatmeal again.

It wasn't that I couldn't eat it because I was so worried with everything going on and was sick to my stomach thinking that my sister spent the night probably hungry but simply because it didn't taste  good.

Even if it was just simple oatmeal and was probably one of the easiest things to make, I knew this boy couldn't cook.

"Something wrong with the oatmeal? I can make you something else? Eggs? Toast? We're all out of burgers until I chop up good Ole' Betsy tomorrow. " Thomas joked lightly, causing me to stop a small tiny chuckle. He was funny for sure.

" Well? " he asked.

"Nothing. It's just that -  "

"What? "

"Nothing. "

"No, tell me - "

"It's just that you can't cook. "
Thomas's POV.

" I can cook too. I've used that recipe since I went to college. Made it up myself,everyone in my dorm hall liked it. " I tried to explain myself to Callie as she insults my cooking.

"Well, they must not have very good taste because it's very bland. '' she joked, causing me to wrinkle my nose.

" Well, do you know how to cook?" I questioned her only to get a nod from her.

"Did your mother teach you? " I questioned her.

"Yes, she did. Did yours? "

"No, I had to teach myself. " I told her. " Then that's your issue. Self-taught. " she joked.

" I didn't think it was an important skill until I got to college. " I explained to her.

"Nowadays, it's a skill you must learn. If you can find food, that is."

"We have plenty of food here. Vegetables, fruits, pigs, cows, goats, chickens. "

"And yet you still don't know how to cook either of them. "

" I thought it was a woman's job? "  I slightly joked. But my smile faded when she tilted her head at me as if she couldn't tell if I was serious or not.

"Well, Miss. Grimes.  " I started, but then she burst out laughing.

"Rick's not my dad, and Lori isn't my mother. "

"Well then.? " I began stretching my neck nervously.

"Peletier. My last name is Peletier. "

"Well then, Mrs. Peletier. "

"Again, that's my mom. "

"Miss. Peletier, how about cooking lessons for horse riding lessons? "

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